首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition >Digestive physiology of captive giant anteaters (Myrmecophaga tridactyla): determinants of faecal dry matter content

Digestive physiology of captive giant anteaters (Myrmecophaga tridactyla): determinants of faecal dry matter content

机译:圈养巨型食蚁兽(Myrmecophaga tridactyla)的消化生理:粪便干物质含量的决定因素

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Giant anteaters (Myrmecophaga tridactyla) are specialized insectivores and consume mainly ants and termites in the wild. In captivity, giant anteaters are either fed a complete diet, or a combination of a domestic carnivore diet with leaf eater pellets, or a traditional gruel-type diet. Soft faeces are a frequently encountered problem with this type of feeding. In the present study, we analysed diet and faeces composition, calculated digestibility and measured mean retention time on various diets in eight giant anteaters (total of n=64 experiments). The results suggest that the digestive physiology of giant anteaters is similar to that of domestic dogs and cats in terms of nutrient digestibility and digesta retention. When testing correlations between faecal dry matter content and other variables, no relationship with dietary crude fibre content or mean digesta retention time could be detected. However, acid insoluble ash intake was significantly and positively correlated with faecal dry matter content. The amount of acid insoluble ash excreted with the faeces was higher than that ingested with the diet offered, indicating that the giant anteaters ingested soil from their enclosure of up to 93g per day. This finding is consistent with observation of faeces of wild giant anteaters that contain soil or sand most likely due to indiscriminate feeding. It also corresponds to reports that indigestible materials such as peat, soil, chitin or cellulose contribute to a firmer faecal consistency in various carnivore species. Therefore, offering giant anteaters the opportunity to voluntarily ingest soil from their enclosure might be beneficial.
机译:食蚁兽(Myrmecophaga tridactyla)是专门的食虫动物,主要在野外消耗蚂蚁和白蚁。在圈养中,巨食蚁食者要么进食完整的饮食,要么将食肉动物的饮食与食叶颗粒混合起来,或者采用传统的稀粥型饮食。在这种喂养方式中,软便是常见的问题。在本研究中,我们分析了八种食蚁兽在不同饮食中的饮食和粪便成分,计算的消化率并测量了平均保留时间(总共n = 64个实验)。结果表明,就营养成分的消化率和消化率的保留而言,食蚁兽的消化生理与家犬相似。当测试粪便干物质含量与其他变量之间的相关性时,与饮食中粗纤维含量或平均消化物保留时间没有关系。然而,酸不溶性灰分的摄入与粪便干物质含量显着正相关。粪便排泄的酸不溶性灰分高于提供的饮食所摄取的灰分,这表明巨食蚁族每天从它们的围栏中摄取的土壤高达93g。这一发现与观察到的野生食蚁兽的粪便中发现的粪便很相似,这些食蚁兽最有可能因滥食而含有土壤或沙子。它也对应于报道,诸如泥炭,土壤,几丁质或纤维素之类的不易消化的物质在各种食肉动物中有助于更牢固的粪便稠度。因此,为大型食蚁兽提供从其围栏中自愿摄入土壤的机会可能是有益的。



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