首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Anatomy >Mechanoadaptation of developing limbs: Shaking a leg

Mechanoadaptation of developing limbs: Shaking a leg


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The proportion of total limb length taken up by the individual skeletal elements (limb proportionality), varies widely between species. These diverse skeletal forms have evolved to allow for a range of limb uses and they first emerge as the embryo develops, to achieve the characteristic skeletal architecture of each species. During this time, the developing skeleton experiences mechanical loading as a result of embryonic muscle contraction. The possibility that adaptation to such mechanical input may allow embryos to coordinate the appearance of skeletal design with their expanding range of movements has so far received little attention. This is surprising, given the critical role exerted by embryo movement in normal skeletal development; stage-specific in ovo immobilisation of embryonic chicks results in joint contractures and a reduction in longitudinal bone growth in the limbs. Epigenetic mechanisms allow for selective activation of genes in response to environmental signals, resulting in the production of phenotypic complexity in morphogenesis; mechanical loading of bone during movement appears to be one such signal. It may be that 'mechanosensitive' genes under regulation of mechanical input adjust proportionality along the bone's proximo-distal axis, introducing a level of phenotypic plasticity. If this hypothesis is upheld, species with more elongated distal limb elements will have a greater dependence on mechanical input for the differences in their growth, and mechanosensitive bone growth in the embryo may have evolved as an additional source of phenotypic diversity during skeletal development.



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