首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Agrometeorology >Effect of heat stress on crop phenology, yield and seed quality attributes of wheat (Triticumaestivum L.)

Effect of heat stress on crop phenology, yield and seed quality attributes of wheat (Triticumaestivum L.)

机译:高温胁迫对小麦(Triticumaestivum L.)作物物候,产量和种子品质属性的影响

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High temperature is a major determinant of wheat development and growth and causes yield loss in many regions of the world. The present study was aimed at assessing the effects of heat stress on phenologic, floral, yield and seed quality attributes of fourteen wheat genotypes under four environmental conditions; raised at two dates: November (favourable) and January (heat stress) during rabi seasons of 2012-13 and 2013-14. Under heat stress condition, 5-12 degrees C higher temperatures were recorded at anthesis and post-anthesis stage than the normal sown. The study revealed significant differences among dates of sowing, thereby indicating sensitivity to heat stress. Among the plant morphological traits, there was a maximum reduction in plant height under heat stress condition (January sown) as compared to normal sown condition.Phenology of wheat crop was also significantly affected by higher temperature: Wheat varieties sown during the month of November took more time to reach maturity while late sown material recorded lesser crop growth duration. Among the seed yield and quality parameters, high temperature caused-maximum reduction in tiller number (70%) followed by grain yield (67.3%. reduction), 1000-grain weight (47% reduction) and vigour Index II (52.7% reduction). Hence, these traits were identified as the most susceptible traits to heat stress. Heat stress also caused a reduction-of 39.7 per cent for or canopy temperature depression at grain filling stage. Flag leaf area, spikelet fertility and pollen fertility reduced by 33.1%, 22.7% and 7.7%, respectively, thereby indicating that these traits were less affected due to higher temperature.Genotypes GW 366 and HD 2888 showed least heat susceptibility index (HSI)for grain yield whereas for seed quality, HD 3093 showed better tolerance compared to Others.
机译:高温是决定小麦生长发育的主要因素,并在世界许多地区造成单产下降。本研究旨在评估在四种环境条件下热胁迫对十四个小麦基因型的物候,花期,产量和种子品质属性的影响。在2012-13和2013-14的狂犬病季节的两个日期(11月(有利)和1月(热应激))饲养。在热胁迫条件下,花期和花后期的温度比正常播种高出5-12摄氏度。该研究揭示了播种日期之间的显着差异,从而表明了对热胁迫的敏感性。在植物形态性状中,与正常播种相比,热胁迫条件下(1月播种)的株高最大降低。较高温度也显着影响小麦作物的物候:11月播种的小麦品种达到成熟的时间更多,而后期播种的材料记录的作物生长时间较短。在种子产量和品质参数中,高温导致的最大分till数减少(70%),其次是谷物产量(减少67.3%),1000粒重(减少47%)和活力指数II(减少52.7%)。 。因此,这些性状被确定为对热应激最敏感的性状。在籽粒灌装阶段,热应力还导致冠层温度降低或冠层温度降低了39.7%。剑叶面积,小穗繁殖力和花粉繁殖力分别降低了33.1%,22.7%和7.7%,这表明这些性状由于温度升高而受到的影响较小.GW 366和HD 2888基因型显示的最小热敏指数(HSI)为谷物产量方面,HD 3093与其他相比表现出更好的耐受性。



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