首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Advanced Computatioanl Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics >Algorithm for Web Service Discovery Based on Information Retrieval Using WordNet and Linear Discriminant Functions

Algorithm for Web Service Discovery Based on Information Retrieval Using WordNet and Linear Discriminant Functions


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An algorithm based on information retrieval that applies the lexical database WordNet together with a linear discriminant function is proposed. It calculates the degree of similarity between words and their relative importance to support the development of distributed applications based on web services. The algorithm uses the semantic information contained in the Web Service Description Language specifications and ranks web services based on their similarity to the one the developer is searching for. It is applied to a set of 48 real web services in five categories, then compared them to four other algorithms based on information retrieval, showing an averaged improvement over all data between 0.6% and 1.9% in precision and 0.7% and 3.1% in recall for the top 15 ranked web services. The objective was to reduce the burden and time spent searching web services during the development of distributed applications, and it can be used as an alternative to current web service discovery systems such as brokers in the Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI) platform.
机译:提出了一种基于信息检索的词汇数据库WordNet和线性判别函数的算法。它计算单词之间的相似程度及其相对重要性,以支持基于Web服务的分布式应用程序的开发。该算法使用Web服务描述语言规范中包含的语义信息,并根据与开发人员正在搜索的Web服务相似度对Web服务进行排名。将其应用于五类中的48种真实Web服务的集合,然后将它们与基于信息检索的其他四种算法进行比较,显示出所有数据的平均改进率分别在0.6%和1.9%之间以及召回率在0.7%和3.1%之间排名前15位的Web服务。目的是减少在分布式应用程序开发过程中搜索Web服务的负担和时间,并且可以用作当前Web服务发现系统的替代,例如通用描述,发现和集成(UDDI)平台中的代理。 。



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