首页> 外文期刊>JAMA: the Journal of the American Medical Association >Tobacco and alcohol use in G-rated children's animated films.

Tobacco and alcohol use in G-rated children's animated films.


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CONTEXT: Tobacco and alcohol use among youth are major public health problems, but the extent to which children are routinely exposed to tobacco and alcohol products in children's films is unknown. OBJECTIVE: To identify the prevalence and characteristics associated with tobacco and alcohol use portrayed in G-rated, animated feature films. Design All G-rated, animated feature films released between 1937 and 1997 by 5 major production companies (Walt Disney Co, MGM/United Artists, Warner Brothers Studios, Universal Studios, and 20th Century Fox) that were available on videotape were reviewed for episodes of tobacco and alcohol use. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Presence of tobacco and alcohol use in each film, type of tobacco or alcohol used, duration of use, type of character using substance (bad, neutral, or good), and any associated effects. RESULTS: Of 50 films reviewed, 34 (68%) displayed at least 1 episode of tobacco or alcohol use. Twenty-eight (56%) portrayed 1 or more incidences of tobacco use, including all 7 films released in 1996 and 1997. Twenty-five films (50%) included alcohol use. Smoking was portrayed on screen by 76 characters for more than 45 minutes in duration; alcohol use was portrayed by 63 characters for 27 minutes. Good characters use tobacco and alcohol as frequently as bad characters. Cigars and wine are shown in these films more often than other tobacco or alcohol substances. CONCLUSIONS: More than two thirds of animated children's films feature tobacco or alcohol use in story plots without clear verbal messages of any negative long-term health effects associated with use of either substance.
机译:背景:青年时期使用烟草和酒精是主要的公共卫生问题,但儿童电影中儿童常规接触烟草和酒精产品的程度尚不清楚。目的:确定G级动画长片所描绘的与吸烟和吸烟有关的流行和特征。设计在录像带上观看了1937年至1997年之间由5家主要制作公司(华特迪士尼公司,米高梅/美利坚合众国,华纳兄弟工作室,环球影城和20世纪福克斯)发行的所有G级动画电影,并对其进行了评估。烟酒的使用。主要观察指标:每部电影中使用的烟草和酒精,使用的烟草或酒精类型,使用时间,使用的字符类型(不良,中性或良好)以及任何相关的影响。结果:在审查的50部电影中,有34部(68%)显示至少有1次吸烟或饮酒。 28个(56%)记录了1次或更多吸烟事件,包括1996年和1997年发行的所有7部电影。25部电影(50%)包括饮酒。屏幕上有76个字符描绘吸烟,持续时间超过45分钟;用63个字符描绘了27分钟的酒精使用情况。好的角色和坏的角色一样频繁地使用烟草和酒精。与其他烟草或酒精类物质相比,这些影片中雪茄和葡萄酒的出现频率更高。结论:超过三分之二的动画儿童电影在故事情节中都使用了烟草或酒精,而没有清晰的口头信息表明与使用任何一种物质有关的任何长期健康影响。



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