首页> 外文期刊>JAMA: the Journal of the American Medical Association >Diet and prevention of Alzheimer disease.

Diet and prevention of Alzheimer disease.


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ALZHEIMER DISEASE (AD) IS ONE OF THE MOST IMPOR-tant public health problems of the 21st century. Currently, 5.3 million US individuals have AD but the number is expected to increase by 300% over the next 40 years as the oldest age categories make up an increasingly large percentage of the population.1 However, to date, there is no cure for the disease and no effective therapeutic interventions. In 2010, the estimated US annual expenditure is approximately Dollars 172 billion for persons with AD and other dementias for all health care and long-term care services.2 Thus, the social and economic toll of AD on society is substantial, making preventive strategies all the more important.
机译:老年痴呆症(AD)是21世纪最重要的公共卫生问题之一。目前,美国有530万人患有AD,但是由于年龄最大的人群在人口中所占的比例越来越高,因此该数字在未来40年中预计将增加300%。1但是,迄今为止,尚无治愈方法。疾病,没有有效的治疗干预措施。 2010年,美国每年用于所有健康护理和长期护理服务的AD和其他痴呆症患者的年度支出约为1,720亿美元。2因此,AD对社会造成的社会和经济损失是巨大的,这使得所有的预防策略更重要。



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