首页> 外文期刊>JAMA: the Journal of the American Medical Association >Studies Probe Potential of Experimental Therapies for Alzheimer Disease

Studies Probe Potential of Experimental Therapies for Alzheimer Disease


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Chicago-Although efforts to develop treatments for Alzheimer disease have met limited success to date, some experts are heartened by new findings from studies of several experimental Alzheimer disease therapies. While the results, reported at the 2008 Alzheimer's Association International Conference on Alzheimer's Disease (ICAD), held here in July, were mixed and most of the particularly promising drugs will require additional study, researchers are optimistic that several agents may eventually change the landscape of Alzheimer disease treatment."We are making progress. It is very important that we have as many drugs as possible in the pipeline for Alzheimer's and that we explore every available avenue for treatment," said Ralph Nixon, MD, PhD, of the New York University School of Medicine in New York City and a member of the Alzheimer's Association's Medical and Scientific Advisory Council.
机译:芝加哥-尽管迄今为止开发针对阿尔茨海默氏病的疗法的努力取得了有限的成功,但一些专家对一些实验性阿尔茨海默氏病疗法的研究结果感到鼓舞。虽然7月份在这里举行的2008年阿尔茨海默氏病协会国际会议(ICAD)上报告的结果好坏参半,而且大多数特别有前途的药物仍需进一步研究,但研究人员乐观地认为,几种药物最终可能会改变这种疾病的前景。纽约医学博士Ralph Nixon博士说:“我们正在取得进展。非常重要的一点是,我们必须为阿尔茨海默氏症提供尽可能多的药物,并探索每种可用的治疗途径。”纽约市大学医学院,并且是阿尔茨海默氏病协会医学与科学咨询委员会的成员。



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