
Shock wave ignition of aluminum particles


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In this paper a criterion to predict ignition delay time is proposed that the aluminum particles can be ignited behind shock waves at the melting point of aluminum 931.7K and all of the aluminum of the particle is melted. The process of rising of temperature of particle is calculated. The ignition delay times versus Mach number of incident shock waves are obtained and compared with experimental results of aluminum particles ignition behind shock waves in oxygen with initial pressure 0.0025 MPa. The results show that as particle temperature reaches the melting point of aluminum and all of the aluminum of the particle is melted behind shock waves, an aluminum particle can be ignited if gas flow behind shock waves is able to enlarge the cracks on oxide coating and cause the disruption of oxide of aluminum particle. The ignition delay time obtained by this criterion is best agreed with the experimental results as the Mach number is larger than 5.86 with the condition of experiments. If the cracks on oxide coating can not be disrupted before its temperature rises to oxide melting point, aluminum particle can only be ignited as temperature reaches oxide melting point.
机译:在本文中,提出了一种预测点火延迟时间的标准,即铝粒子可以在铝931.7K的熔点处的冲击波后被点燃,并且该粒子中的所有铝都熔化了。计算了颗粒温度升高的过程。获得了点火延迟时间与入射冲击波的马赫数的关系,并将其与初始压力为0.0025 MPa的铝颗粒在氧气中的冲击波后面点火的实验结果进行了比较。结果表明,当颗粒温度达到铝的熔点并且颗粒中的所有铝都在冲击波后熔化时,如果冲击波后的气体流能够扩大氧化物涂层上的裂纹并导致铝颗粒燃烧,则铝颗粒可以被点燃。铝颗粒氧化物的破坏。通过该标准获得的点火延迟时间与实验结果最吻合,因为在实验条件下马赫数大于5.86。如果在温度升高到氧化物熔点之前不能破坏氧化物涂层上的裂纹,则只有在温度达到氧化物熔点时才能点燃铝颗粒。



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