首页> 外文期刊>Journal de Physique, IV: Proceedings of International Conference >Zn speciation in a soil contaminated by the deposition of a dredged sediment by synchrotron X-ray techniques

Zn speciation in a soil contaminated by the deposition of a dredged sediment by synchrotron X-ray techniques


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The nature and proportion of Zn species present in an agricultural soil overlaid by a dredged contaminated sediment have been untangled by the novel combination of three non-invasive synchrotron-based x-ray techniques: x-ray microfluorescence (μSXRF), microdiffraction (μXRD), and absorption spectroscopy (EXAFS). One primary (franklinite) and two secondary (phyllomanganate and phyllosilicate) Zn-containing minerals were identified in the initial soil, and another primary (ZnS) and a new secondary (Fe-(oxyhydr)oxide) Zn species in the covered soil. The quantitative analysis of EXAFS spectra recorded on bulk samples indicated that ZnS and Zn-Fe (oxyhydr)oxides amounted to 71 ± 10% and 27 ± 10%, respectively, and the other Zn species to less than 10%. The two new Zn species found in the covered soil result from the gravitational migration of ZnS particles initially present in the sediment, and from their further oxidative dissolution and fixation of leached Zn on Fe (oxyhydr) oxides.
机译:三种非侵入性基于同步加速器的X射线技术的新颖组合使存在于被疏ged的污染沉积物覆盖的农业土壤中存在的锌物种的性质和比例得到了解决:X射线微荧光(μSXRF),微衍射(μXRD) ,和吸收光谱(EXAFS)。在最初的土壤中鉴定出一种含锌的初级矿物(富兰铁矿)和两种含锌的次级矿物(叶锰酸锰和页硅酸盐),在被覆盖的土壤中鉴定出另一种初级(ZnS)和新的次级(Fe-(羟基氧化物))Zn。记录在大块样品上的EXAFS光谱的定量分析表明,ZnS和Zn-Fe(羟基氧化物)氧化物的含量分别为71±10%和27±10%,其他Zn种类少于10%。在被覆土壤中发现的两种新的锌物质是由于最初存在于沉积物中的ZnS颗粒的重力迁移,以及它们进一步氧化溶解和将浸出的Zn固定在Fe(羟基氧化物)上的结果。



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