首页> 外文期刊>Discrete mathematics >A conjecture on strong magic labelings of 2-regular graphs

A conjecture on strong magic labelings of 2-regular graphs


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Let sC(3) denote the disjoint union of s copies of C-3. For each integer t >= 2 it is shown that the disjoint union C5 boolean OR (2t)C-3 has a strong vertex-magic total labeling (and therefore it must also have a strong edge-magic total labeling). For each integer t >= 3 it is shown that the disjoint union C-4 boolean OR (2t - 1)C-3 has a strong vertex-magic total labeling. These results clarify a conjecture on the magic labeling of 2-regular graphs, which posited that no such labelings existed. It is also shown that for each integer t >= 1 the disjoint union C-7 boolean OR (2t)C-3 has a strong vertex-magic total labeling. The construction employs a technique of shifting rows of (newly constructed) Kotzig arrays to label copies of C-3. The results add further weight to a conjecture of MacDougall regarding the existence of vertex-magic total labeling for regular graphs.
机译:令sC(3)表示s个C-3副本的不交集并集。对于每个> 2的整数,表明不相交并集C5布尔OR(2t)C-3具有强的顶点魔术总标记(因此,它还必须具有强的边缘魔术总标记)。对于每个t> = 3的整数,表明不相交并集C-4布尔OR(2t-1)C-3具有很强的顶点魔术总标记。这些结果澄清了对2正则图的魔术标记的猜想,该假设认为不存在这样的标记。还显示出,对于每个大于等于1的整数,不相交并集C-7布尔OR(2t)C-3具有很强的顶点魔术总标记。该构造采用移位(新构造的)Kotzig阵列的行以标记C-3副本的技术。对于正则图的顶点魔术总标记的存在,结果进一步加重了MacDougall的猜想。



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