首页> 外文期刊>Journal American Pomological Society >Performance of 'Rakuraku Fuji' Apple trees on JM.7 and M.9Nagano rootstocks, and M.9 Nagano/Marubakaido interstem combination in Japan

Performance of 'Rakuraku Fuji' Apple trees on JM.7 and M.9Nagano rootstocks, and M.9 Nagano/Marubakaido interstem combination in Japan

机译:“ Rakuraku Fuji”苹果树在日本JM.7和M.9长野根茎以及M.9长野/丸红道间际组合上的表现

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Trees of 'Rakuraku Fuji' apple (Malus X domestica Borkh.) on JM.7, M.9Nagano rootstocks and M.9Nagano/Marubakaido (Malus prunifolia Bork. var. ringo Asami) interstem combination were evaluated for growth and productivity in a high density orchard situation on a deep volcanic ash soil in Azumi, Nagano, Japan. By the 5th leaf, trees on JM.7 and M.9Nagano/Marubakaido exceeded the alloted space (2 x 4m), and every other tree in the rows was removed following harvest. After 8 growing seasons, trees on JM.7 and M.9Nagano/Marubakaido had a similar trunk cross-sectional area (TCA) and were larger than trees on M.9Nagano. Trees on M.9Nagano had a greater cumulative yield efficiency through the 6th year. In the 8th year, trees on M.9Nagano/Marubakaido had a greater cumulative yield efficiency than trees on JM.7 and M.9Nagano. Calculated yields per ha based on 2 x 4m spacing (1250 trees per ha) of trees on M.9Nagano/Marubakaido and JM.7 were greater than those on M.9Naganc, through the 5th year after which trees were thinned to 625 per ha. In years 6 through 8, trees on M.9Nagano had the highest calculated yield per ha. Trees on JM.7 and M.9 Nagano/Marubakaido were too vigorous for high density planting with less than 2 x 4 m spacing on the deep volcanic ash soils found in Nagano.
机译:评估了JM.7,M.9Nagano砧木和M.9Nagano / Marubakaido(Malus prunifolia Bork。var.ringo Asami)中间组合上的“ Rakuraku Fuji”苹果树(Malus X domestica Borkh。)的高生长和生产力。日本长野阿苏米深火山灰土壤上的果园密度状况到了第五片叶子时,JM.7和M.9Nagano / Marubakaido上的树超过了分配的空间(2 x 4m),行中的其他所有树在收获后都被移除了。经过8个生长季节,JM.7和M.9Nagano / Marubakaido上的树木具有相似的树干横截面积(TCA),并且比M.9Nagano上的树木更大。到第6年,M.9Nagano上的树木具有更高的累计产量效率。在第8年,M.9Nagano / Marubakaido上的树木的累积产量效率高于JM.7和M.9Nagano上的树木。在M.9Nagano / Marubakaido和JM.7上树的2 x 4m间距(每公顷1250棵树)计算的每公顷产量高于M.9Naganc上的树木,直到第5年,树木稀疏到每公顷625棵。在第6至第8年,M.9Nagano上的树木每公顷的计算产量最高。长野J.M.9和M.9长野/ Marubakaido上的树木过于茂盛,无法在长野发现的深火山灰土上以不到2 x 4 m的间距进行高密度种植。



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