首页> 外文期刊>Journal American Pomological Society >The influence of cultivar and orchard system on pruning time per tree, per hectare, and per unit of yield

The influence of cultivar and orchard system on pruning time per tree, per hectare, and per unit of yield


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In 1990 an NC-140 Orchard Systems Trial was established near Blacksburg, VA. The trial had four replications of ten orchard systems, which were combinations of three training systems and several rootstocks. The training systems were Slender Spindle (SS) planted at 2460 trees/ha, Vertical Axe (VA) planted at 1502 trees/ha, and Central Leader (CL) planted at 1111 trees/ha. Rootstocks used with each system were: SS: Budagovsky 9 (B.9), Mailing 9EMLA (M.9EMLA), and Mark; VA: M.9EMLA, M.26EMLA, Ottawa 3 (0.3), Polish 1 (P.1), and Mark; CL: M.26EMLA and Mark. From 1996/1997 through 1998/1999, the time required to prune each plot (same two people each year) was recorded. Pruning times for the winters of 1996/1997 through 1998/1999 were related to yields from these plots from 1997-1999. Yields per tree and per hectare, pruning time per tree and per hectare, kg of fruit per min of pruning time, and estimated cost of pruning per box of fruit all varied with cultivar as well as system. Only estimated pruning costs per box of fruit and pruning time per hectare had a significant interaction between system and cultivar. Compared to 'Empire', 'Delicious' yielded less per tree and per hectare, required more time to prune, and yielded less fruit per minute of pruning with the result that estimated pruning costs per box were 76% higher. Pruning time per tree was lowest for SS/Mark, CL/Mark, and VA/Mark and highest for VA/P.1. Pruning costs per 19.05 kg box of 'Empire' and 'Delicious' ranged from $0.11 and $0.14 for CL/Mark to $0.31 and $0.66 for VA/P.1, respectively.
机译:1990年,在弗吉尼亚州布莱克斯堡附近建立了NC-140果园系统试验。该试验对十个果园系统进行了四次复制,这是三个训练系统和一些砧木的组合。培训系统为:以2460棵树/公顷种植细纺锤形(SS),以1502棵树/公顷种植的垂直斧(VA)和以1111棵树/公顷种植的中央领导(CL)。每个系统使用的砧木为:SS:Budagovsky 9(B.9),Mailing 9EMLA(M.9EMLA)和Mark; VA:M.9EMLA,M.26EMLA,渥太华3(0.3),波兰语1(P.1)和马克; CL:M.26EMLA和Mark。从1996/1997年到1998/1999年,记录了修剪每个地块(每年两个人)所需的时间。 1996/1997年至1998/1999年冬季的修剪时间与这些地块1997-1999年的产量有关。每棵树和每公顷的产量,每棵树和每公顷的修剪时间,每分钟修剪时间的水果公斤数以及每箱水果的估计修剪成本都因品种和系统而异。只有估计的每箱水果修剪成本和每公顷修剪时间才在系统和品种之间产生显着的相互作用。与“ Empire”相比,“ Delicious”每棵树和每公顷的产量都更少,修剪所需的时间更多,每分钟修剪的果实数量更少,结果,每箱修剪的成本估计要高出76%。 SS / Mark,CL / Mark和VA / Mark的每棵树修剪时间最低,而VA / P.1则最高。每箱19.05公斤“帝国”和“美味”的修剪成本分别为CL / Mark 0.11美元和0.14美元到VA / P.1 0.31美元和0.66美元。



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