首页> 外文期刊>Jorunal of computational and theoretical transport >Mitigating Teleportation Error in Frequency-Dependent Hybrid Implicit Monte Carlo Diffusion Methods

Mitigating Teleportation Error in Frequency-Dependent Hybrid Implicit Monte Carlo Diffusion Methods


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This work investigates teleportation error in frequency-dependent Hybrid Implicit Monte Carlo Diffusion (HIMCD). HIMCD dynamically applies Implicit Monte Carlo Diffusion (Gentile, 2001; Cleveland et al., 2010) to regions of a problem that are opaque and diffusive while applying standard Implicit Monte Carlo (IMC) (Fleck and Cum-mings,1971) to regions where the diffusion approximation is invalid. Teleportation error arises in Monte Carlo simulations when a source is represented with the wrong spatial distribution causing radiation energy to propagate unphysically fast through a material (McKinley et al., 2003). Both frequency-dependent HIMCD and Hybrid IMC/Discrete Diffusion Monte Carlo (Densmore et al., 2012) suffer from a new source of teleportation error that is intrinsic to these methods. This teleportation error arises from sampling a new spatial location of a Monte Carlo particle when it scatters from a diffusive opaque group to a moderately opaque transport group. In this work we show that sampling these "up-scatter" locations with a flat spatial distribution in the cell, as was done in previous work (Densmore et al., 2012; Wollaeger et al., 2013), creates significant teleportation error in optically thick cells. We then show that source tilting can improve these.results for moderately opaque cells, but is not accurate enough to significantly improve the teleportation error in extremely opaque cells. Finally we present a new set of criteria that can be used to define which opacity groups are diffusive, in conjunction with source tilting, to significantly reduce teleportation regardless of the cell's opacity. We refer to this new set of diffusion criteria as "over-lumping" because it includes moderately opaque frequency groups, which were previously excluded by other criteria (Densmore et al., 2012),into the diffusion domain. The over-lumping criterion is tested using two test cases: a Marshak wave moving through stationary optically thick iron, and a frequency-dependent radiation hydrodynamic ablation test case.
机译:这项工作调查频率依赖混合隐式蒙特卡洛扩散(HIMCD)中的隐形传态误差。 HIMCD将隐式蒙特卡洛扩散(Gentile,2001; Cleveland等人,2010)动态地应用于不透明和扩散的问题区域,同时将标准的隐式蒙特卡洛(IMC)(Fleck和Cum-mings,1971)应用到扩散近似无效。当源以错误的空间分布表示,导致辐射能量通过材料非物理快速地传播时,在蒙特卡洛模拟中会发生传送错误。(McKinley等,2003)。频率相关的HIMCD和混合IMC /离散扩散Monte Carlo(Densmore等人,2012)都遭受了这些方法所固有的新的传送误差来源。当对蒙特卡洛粒子从扩散的不透明基团散射到中度不透明的传输基团进行采样时,这种隐形传送误差是由于采样了一个新的蒙特卡洛粒子的空间位置而引起的。在这项工作中,我们证明了像以前的工作(Densmore等人,2012; Wollaeger等人,2013)所做的那样,在小区中以平坦的空间分布对这些“向上散射”的位置进行采样会产生明显的传送误差光学上较厚的细胞。然后,我们证明了源倾斜可以改善中等不透明细胞的这些结果,但不够准确,不足以显着改善极不透明细胞的隐形传态误差。最后,我们提出了一套新的标准,可用于定义哪些不透明组具有扩散性,以及源倾斜,可显着减少远距传输,而与细胞的不透明无关。我们将这套新的扩散标准称为“过度集总”,因为它包括中等不透明的频率组,这些频率组先前已被其他标准排除在外(Densmore等,2012)。使用两个测试用例测试了集总标准:一个穿过固定的光学厚铁的Marshak波,以及一个与频率相关的辐射流体动力消融测试用例。



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