首页> 外文期刊>Japanese Journal of Systematic Entomology >Pamphilius tibetanus (Hymenoptera, Pamphiliidae) and its Close Relatives

Pamphilius tibetanus (Hymenoptera, Pamphiliidae) and its Close Relatives

机译:Pamphilius tibetanus(膜翅目,Pamphiliidae)及其近亲

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Pamphilius tibetanus group is defined to include four species occurring in the southeastern marginal area of the Palearctic region: P. tibetanus Shinohara, Naito & Huang, 1988, from eastern Xizang (Tibet), China, and eastern Nepal, P. himalayanus Shinohara & Singh, 1989, from Himachal Pradesh, northern India, P. foveatus n. sp. from Yunnan, southern China, and P. sinensis n. sp. from Shaanxi, central China, and Yunnan, southern China. Descriptions are given for the two new species and the previously unknown male of P. tibetanus. Pamphilius lanatus Benes 1982, from Gansu, central China, is compared with the members of the tibetanus group. A hypothesis of the relationship of the four component species as well as a key to separate them are given. This is the first record of the family Pamphiliidae from Nepal.
机译:Pamphilius tibetanus组的定义包括四种在古太平洋地区东南边缘地区发生的物种:P。tibetanus Shinohara,Naito和Huang,1988年,来自中国西藏自治区(西藏)和尼泊尔东部,P。himalayanus Shinohara和Singh ,1989年,来自印度北部喜马al尔邦(P. foveatus n。)。 sp。来自中国南方的云南和中华假单胞菌。 sp。来自中国中部的陕西和中国南部的云南。描述了两个新物种和先前未知的P. tibetanus雄性。将来自中国中部甘肃的Pamphilius lanatus Benes 1982与tibetanus小组的成员进行了比较。给出了四种成分的关系的假设以及将它们分开的关键。这是来自尼泊尔的Pamphiliidae家族的第一个记录。



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