首页> 外文期刊>JAIDS: Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes >HIV knowledge and risk behaviors among Pakistani and Afghani drug users in Quetta, Pakistan.

HIV knowledge and risk behaviors among Pakistani and Afghani drug users in Quetta, Pakistan.


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Situated on the Pakistan-Afghan border, Quetta is home to growing numbers of Afghan refugees. We studied HIV knowledge and risk behaviors among Pakistani and Afghani drug users between July 2001 and November 2001. Of 959 drug users, all were male and the majority used heroin. Most were Pakistani (84.8%), 14.9% were Afghani, and 0.3% were Iranian. Relative to Pakistani drug users, a higher proportion of Afghanis reported no formal education, homelessness, and unemployment ( p <.001). Afghanis were more likely to have used an opiate as their first illicit drug (16% vs. 7%, p <.001), to have ever injected (18.8% vs. 12.3%, p =.04), to report needle sharing (72.2% vs. 48.2%, p =.08), or to report a drug user in their family ( p =.08). None of sexually active Afghanis had ever used a condom compared with 5.0% of the Pakistanis ( p =.01). Only 4.3% of Afghans had ever heard of HIV/AIDS compared with 18.3% of Pakistanis ( p <.001). Extremely low levels of HIV/AIDS awareness and high HIV risk behaviors were evident among drug users in Quetta, among whom Afghanis were especially vulnerable. Interventions to prevent transition to injection, needle exchange, and drug treatment are urgently required to prevent blood-borne infections.
机译:Quetta位于巴基斯坦-阿富汗边境,是越来越多的阿富汗难民的家园。我们研究了2001年7月至2001年11月之间巴基斯坦和阿富汗裔吸毒者的艾滋病毒知识和危险行​​为。在959名吸毒者中,所有人均为男性,大多数使用海洛因。大多数为巴基斯坦人(84.8%),阿富汗人为14.9%,伊朗人为0.3%。相对于巴基斯坦吸毒者,较高比例的阿富汗人报告称没有接受过正规教育,无家可归和失业(p <.001)。阿富汗人更有可能曾经注射过鸦片(16%vs. 7%,p <.001),曾经注射过鸦片(18.8%vs. 12.3%,p = .04),以报告针头共用情况(分别为72.2%和48.2%,p = .08),或举报其家人中的吸毒者(p = .08)。相比5.0%的巴基斯坦人,没有性活跃的阿富汗人从未使用过安全套(p = .01)。只有4.3%的阿富汗人听说过艾滋病毒/艾滋病,而巴基斯坦人只有18.3%(p <.001)。在奎达的吸毒者中,对艾滋病毒/艾滋病的认识极低,艾滋病毒感染行为极高,其中阿富汗人尤其脆弱。迫切需要采取干预措施来预防注射,针头交换和药物治疗的过渡,以防止血液传播的感染。



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