首页> 外文期刊>Drugs: education, prevention, and policy >Dual-track drug policy: Normalization of the drug problem in Finland

Dual-track drug policy: Normalization of the drug problem in Finland


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This paper examines the reorganization of Finnish drug policy in the light of recent major changes. The analysis is inspired by writings of criminologist David Garland on crime control and governmental control strategies (Garland, 1996, 2000, 2001), and by the British drug debate on the normalization of drug use (Parker, 2005; Parker et al., 1998; Shiner & Newburn, 1999; South, 1999). Garland distinguishes between adaptive and non-adaptive social responses to crime. Adaptive responses generally lower the objectives of public policy because the goals seem unrealistic. If you cannot get the best, you can always strive for the good. Non-adaptive or repressive responses are needed to justify the image of the State as an efficient and competent actor. The conclusion of the paper is that, after a somewhat stormy debate in Finland around the turn of the century, the adaptive and non-adaptive responses have peacefully aligned with each other. This dual-track model has become the new paradigm in Finnish drug policy: Both harm reduction and criminal control approaches are now well established and expansive. Related trends are recognized also in other countries.
机译:本文根据最近的重大变化研究了芬兰毒品政策的重组。该分析的灵感来自犯罪学家戴维·加兰德(David Garland)关于犯罪控制和政府控制策略的著作(Garland,1996、2000、2001),以及英国关于药物使用规范化的毒品辩论(Parker,2005; Parker等,1998)。 ; Shiner&Newburn,1999; South,1999)。 Garland区分了对犯罪的适应性和非适应性社会反应。适应性应对措施通常会降低公共政策的目标,因为这些目标似乎是不现实的。如果您无法获得最好的成绩,那么您始终可以为之奋斗。需要采取非适应性或压制性回应,以证明国家作为有效和称职的行为者的形象是正当的。该论文的结论是,在世纪之交的芬兰进行了一场激烈的辩论之后,适应性和非适应性反应彼此和平统一。这种双轨制模式已成为芬兰毒品政策的新范式:减少伤害和刑事控制方法现在都已建立并扩展。其他国家也认识到相关趋势。



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