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Socioeconomic differences in alcohol-related risk-taking behaviours


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Introduction and Aims. There is substantial research showing that low socioeconomic position is a predictor of negative outcomes from alcohol consumption, while alcohol consumption itself does not exhibit a strong social gradient. This study aims to examine socioeconomic differences in self-reported alcohol-related risk-taking behaviour to explore whether differences in risk-taking while drinking may explain some of the socioeconomic disparities in alcohol-related harm. Design and Methods. Cross-sectional data from current drinkers (n = 21 452) in the 2010 wave of the Australian National Drug Strategy Household Survey were used. Ten items on risk-taking behaviour while drinking were combined into two risk scores, and zero-inflated Poisson regression was used to assess the relationship between socioeconomic position and risk-taking while controlling for age, sex and alcohol consumption. Results. Socioeconomically advantaged respondents reported substantially higher rates of alcohol-related hazardous behaviour than socioeconomically disadvantaged respondents. Controlling for age, sex, volume of drinking and frequency of heavy drinking, respondents living in the most advantaged quintile of neighbourhoods reported significantly higher rates of hazardous behaviour than those in the least advantaged quintile. A similar pattern was evident for household income. Discussion and Conclusions. Socioeconomically advantaged Australians engage in alcohol-related risky behaviour at higher rates than more disadvantaged Australians even with alcohol consumption controlled. The significant socioeconomic disparities in negative consequences linked to alcohol consumption cannot in this instance be explained via differences in behaviour while drinking. Other factors not directly related to alcohol consumption may be responsible for health inequalities in outcomes with significant alcohol involvement.
机译:简介和目的。有大量研究表明,低的社会经济地位是饮酒负面结果的预测因素,而饮酒本身并没有表现出很强的社会梯度。这项研究旨在检查自我报告的与酒精相关的冒险行为中的社会经济差异,以探讨饮酒时的冒险差异是否可以解释与酒精有关的伤害的某些社会经济差异。设计和方法。使用了澳大利亚国家毒品策略家庭调查2010年浪潮中当前饮酒者(n = 21 452)的横断面数据。饮酒时的冒险行为的10个项目被合并为两个风险评分,零膨胀的Poisson回归用于评估在控制年龄,性别和饮酒的同时,社会经济地位与冒险行为之间的关系。结果。具有社会经济优势的受访者报告的与酒精相关的危险行为的发生率要高于具有社会经济劣势的受访者。在控制年龄,性别,饮酒量和重度饮酒的频率后,生活在最有利的五分之一社区中的受访者报告的危险行为的发生率明显高于那些最不有利的五分之一社区。家庭收入也有类似的模式。讨论和结论。具有社会经济优势的澳大利亚人即使在控制饮酒量的情况下,也比处于不利地位的澳大利亚人从事与酒精相关的危险行为的比率更高。在这种情况下,无法通过饮酒行为差异来解释与饮酒有关的负面后果中巨大的社会经济差异。与饮酒没有直接关系的其他因素可能是导致大量饮酒导致健康不平等的原因。



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