首页> 外文期刊>Drugs: education, prevention, and policy >Anticipating possible policy uses of addiction neuroscience research

Anticipating possible policy uses of addiction neuroscience research


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Neuroscience research on animals has identified the neurochemical circuitry on which psychoactive drugs of dependence act and produced models of the development of tolerance, elicitation of withdrawal symptoms, and the rapid reinstatement of drug use after abstinence. Human neuroimaging studies have provided support for the hypothesis that similar neurobiological processes are at work in addicted humans. Leading proponents of neurobiological addiction research have argued that it provides strong support for the view that addiction is a chronic brain disease. They also argue that broad acceptance of the model will improve societal attitudes and policies towards addicted persons. We briefly examine the research evidence for the claim that addiction is a chronic relapsing brain disease and discuss the promised advantages of the brain disease model of addiction and the likelihood of their realization. We also discuss the potential costs of social policies advocated on the basis of addiction neuroscience research, namely, advocacy of 'high risk' social policies that are congenial to legal industries that promote the use of addictive commodities; renewed advocacy of legally coerced addiction treatment; and the promotion of research into expensive, high technology, biomedical interventions that aim to treat addiction by directly intervening in 'addicted brains'.



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