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Statins in acute coronary syndromes.


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The development of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A (HMG CoA) reductase inhibitors (statins) has been a very significant development in the management of coronary artery disease. Large prospective clinical trials have provided unequivocal evidence that cholesterol lowering therapy with statins reduces all-cause mortality in patients with coronary artery disease. There is now accumulating data indicating that statin treatment should be initiated early after an acute coronary syndrome. This body of evidence is based on large databases in which investigators compared outcomes among patients taking statins with those patients who were not prescribed cholesterol lowering therapy. Prospective, randomized, clinical trials also indicate that early statin therapy reduces recurrent ischemia. Finally, studies examining long-term compliance with statin therapy suggest increased adherence to therapy when statins are prescribed during the initial hospitalization for an acute coronary syndrome. In tandem with these clinical observations, there is a large body of scientific data that highlights many important cellular and molecular mechanisms through which statins may confer early benefit. These effects involve relatively rapid improvement in endothelial function, antiischemic, antithrombotic and antiinflammatory actions of statins.
机译:3-羟基-3-甲基戊二酰辅酶A(HMG CoA)还原酶抑制剂(他汀类药物)的开发是冠状动脉疾病管理中非常重要的发展。大量的前瞻性临床试验提供了明确的证据,他汀类药物降低胆固醇的治疗降低了冠心病患者的全因死亡率。现在有越来越多的数据表明,他汀类药物的治疗应在急性冠脉综合征后尽早开始。这一证据是基于大型数据库的,在该数据库中,研究人员比较了他汀类药物患者与未接受降胆固醇治疗的患者的结局。前瞻性,随机,临床试验还表明,早期他汀类药物治疗可减少复发性缺血。最后,检查他汀类药物治疗长期依从性的研究表明,在急性冠脉综合征的初始住院期间开处方他汀类药物时,对治疗的依从性增加。与这些临床观察相结合,有大量的科学数据强调了他汀类药物可能赋予早期获益的许多重要的细胞和分子机制。这些作用涉及他汀类药物的内皮功能,抗缺血,抗血栓形成和抗炎作用的相对较快的改善。



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