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The Biological Section of the Voynich Manuscript: A Textbook of Medieval Plant Physiology?


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The Voynich codex is currently housed at the Beinecke Rare Book Library at Yale University, which maintains a gallery of digitized images of the 246 pages of the manuscript on its website (http://beinecke.library.yale.edu/dl_cross-collex/SearchExecXC.asp). The first part of the codex (folios 1r-66v), often referred to as the "Botanical" or "Herbal" section, contains crudely executed paintings of stylized plants, sketched in ink and filled in with washes of green, brown, yellow, blue, and red (D'lmperio, 1978). Few, if any, of the plants are identifiable, although resemblances to actual plants can be found by the determined observer. For example, the plant in Fig. 1A is stylized beyond recognition, although the plants in Fig. 1B and C bear some resemblance to sunflowers. However, sunflowers only appeared in Europe after 1492, decades after the supposed age of the manuscript according to the carbon-14 dating results. A closer inspection of the "sunflower" in Fig. 1C reveals a cross outlined in seeds(Fig. 2). This suggests that the artist considered the religious or philosophical significance of the drawings in the Herbal section at least as important as naturalistic representation, if not more so.
机译:Voynich抄本目前存放在耶鲁大学的Beinecke善本图书馆中,该图书馆在其网站上维护着246页手稿的数字化图像库(http://beinecke.library.yale.edu/dl_cross-collex/ SearchExecXC.asp)。法典的第一部分(作品集1r-66v),通常被称为“植物”或“草药”部分,其中包含程式化的植物的粗制图,以墨水勾勒,并用绿色,棕色,黄色,蓝色和红色(D'lmperio,1978年)。尽管可以由确定的观察者发现与实际植物的相似之处,但很少有(如果有的话)可识别的植物。例如,尽管图1B和C中的植物与向日葵有些相似,但是图1A中的植物被程式化,无法识别。但是,根据碳14测年结果,向日葵只在1492年后才出现在欧洲,也就是手稿假定的年代后几十年。仔细观察图1C中的“向日葵”可以发现种子中有一个十字形轮廓(图2)。这表明艺术家认为“草药”部分中绘画的宗教或哲学意义至少与自然主义表现形式同样重要,甚至更多。



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