首页> 外文期刊>Der Ornithologische Beobachter >Herkunft and Zugverhalten von in der Schweiz ueberwinternden Reiherenten Aythya fuligula: eine Ringfundanalyse.Breeding range and migration pattern of tufted ducks Aythya fuligula wintering in Switzerland: an analysis of ringing recovery data.

Herkunft and Zugverhalten von in der Schweiz ueberwinternden Reiherenten Aythya fuligula: eine Ringfundanalyse.Breeding range and migration pattern of tufted ducks Aythya fuligula wintering in Switzerland: an analysis of ringing recovery data.

机译:瑞士越冬的簇绒鸭Aythya fuligula的繁殖范围和迁移方式:环回恢复数据分析。

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We present the analysis of all recoveries of ringed Tufted Ducks collected at the Swiss Ornithological Institute up to 2004: 4637 recoveries of birds ringed in Switzerland, and 186 recoveries in Switzerland of birds ringed abroad. The large data set allowed for a detailed analysis of the migration pattern of Tufted Ducks wintering in Switzerland. We addressed the following questions: (1) Where are the Tufted Ducks wintering in Switzerland during the rest of the year? (2) Are there differences in migration pat-tern between the sexes and age classes? (3) Do different populations of Tufted Ducks winter in Switzerland? (4) Are there long-term changes in the migration pattern? The Tufted Ducks wintering in Switzerland breed in two distinct areas: central Europe and European Russia/western Siberia. Breeding birds from the eastern European population in between seem to winter preferably in the Baltic Sea area and in Great Britain. Very few birds were recorded in Switzerland as well as in Britain, suggesting that Tufted Ducks consistently winter either in central Europe (area north of the Alps) or in Northern Europe/Britain. Males scatter more during winter than females. Also, on average, males start spring migration in late winter somewhat earlier than females. Between August and October, the ducks return to their wintering grounds. Since the 1970's (i.e., since ringing took place on a regular basis), the date at which 50 % of the recoveries are situated north of 50 [degree]N (which splits Central Europe and the North Sea/Baltic Sea area) is reached about 50 days earlier. Furthermore, this 50 % criterion correlates with the mean temperature in March of lowland Switzerland, suggesting a shift in the wintering grounds depending on the harshness of winter.
机译:我们对瑞士鸟类学会截至2004年收集到的所有带圈簇绒鸭子的回收率进行了分析:在瑞士圈出的鸟类有4637只,在国外圈出的鸟类有186只在瑞士。大数据集可以对瑞士越冬的簇绒鸭的迁徙方式进行详细分析。我们解决了以下问题:(1)在今年剩下的时间里,簇绒鸭在瑞士过冬? (2)性别和年龄组之间的迁移方式是否存在差异? (3)瑞士有不同种群的簇绒鸭子吗? (4)迁移模式是否存在长期变化?在瑞士越冬的簇绒鸭在两个不同的地区繁殖:中欧和欧洲俄罗斯/西伯利亚西部。介于两者之间的东欧种群的繁殖鸟类似乎最好在波罗的海地区和英国过冬。在瑞士和英国,只记录到很少的鸟类,这表明簇绒鸭在中欧(阿尔卑斯山以北地区)或北欧/英国一直处于冬季。男性在冬季比女性散布更多。而且,平均而言,雄性在冬末开始春季迁徙的时间要早​​于雌性。在八月和十月之间,鸭子们回到它们的越冬地。自1970年代以来(即由于定期响起警报),已经达到50%的采收率位于50°N以北(将中欧和北海/波罗的海地区分开)的日期。大约提前50天。此外,这一50%的标准与瑞士低地3月的平均温度相关,表明越冬地的变化取决于冬天的严酷程度。



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