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SCULPTURE AND PAPERCLAY/A Hands-on Workshop with lan Gregory

机译:雕塑和纸质粘土/ Lan Gregory的动手工作坊

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Sculptor Ian Gregory's expression was uncharacteristically serious as he explained what he hoped students would learn during his three-day workshop. Students participated in Hood College's "Sculpture and Paperclay" workshop in Frederick, Maryland, ready to wield their cameras and notebooks as sponges to soak up the veritable waterfall of information and new ideas. Amid laughter and lectures, few expected to absorb philosophy along with techniques for sculpture and the properties and use of paperclay. By the end of the class everyone's skill at infusing life into sculpture had increased exponentially. Creating good karma in sculpture involves a blend of suspending internal and external rules, fearlessness in trying new things, and taking the time to notice details. In ceramics, as in any aspect of life, we tend to acquire a lot of rules. Rules tell us how a kiln should be fired; how thick a slab should be rolled; or how slowly a sculpture should be dried. Most of these rules are meant to help us accelerate the learning curve and avoid pitfalls. However, these rules can hem you in, not only blocking out other avenues of experimentation and problem solving, but also making you afraid to try new things without a guide. The very first hour of class, English ceramist Ian Gregory told students to ignore all the rules they have learned because rules are only meant as a guideline and there are always exceptions. Gregory answered questions about thicknesses or lengths with his own question: "How long is a piece of string?" Gregory wants students to understand that the solution depends on the project, and that everyone is capable of making decisions based on their knowledge and observation.
机译:雕塑家伊恩·格雷戈里(Ian Gregory)的表情异常地严肃,他解释说,他希望学生在为期三天的研讨会中能学到什么。学生参加了胡德学院在马里兰州弗雷德里克(Frederick)举行的“雕塑与纸土”研讨会,准备将他们的相机和笔记本用作海绵,以吸收真正的信息和新思想。在笑声和演讲中,很少有人期望吸收哲学以及雕塑技术以及纸质粘土的特性和用途。到班级结束时,每个人将生活注入雕塑的技能都呈指数级增长。在雕塑中创造良好的业力涉及到悬浮的内部和外部规则,无所畏惧地尝试新事物以及花时间注意到细节。在陶瓷领域,就像生活的任何方面一样,我们倾向于掌握许多规则。规则告诉我们如何烧窑。板坯应轧制多厚;或雕塑干燥的速度。这些规则中的大多数旨在帮助我们加快学习速度并避免陷阱。但是,这些规则会使您陷入困境,不仅阻碍了其他尝试和解决问题的途径,而且使您害怕在没有指导的情况下尝试新事物。在上课的第一个小时,英国陶艺家伊恩·格雷戈里(Ian Gregory)告诉学生们不要理会他们学到的所有规则,因为规则只是作为指导,并且总是有例外。格雷戈里用自己的问题回答了有关厚度或长度的问题:“一根绳子有多长?” Gregory希望学生理解解决方案取决于项目,并且每个人都有能力根据自己的知识和观察力做出决策。



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