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Experiences of daily activity in chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME) and their implications for rehabilitation programmes

机译:慢性疲劳综合征/肌病性脑脊髓炎(CFS / ME)日常活动的经验及其对康复计划的影响

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Purpose: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, also known as Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME), has a significant impact upon daily functioning. Most recommended treatments aim to alter activity patterns based upon assumptions of activity avoidance. However, as there is limited research on the experience of activity and occupational beliefs in people with CFS/ME, this study took a qualitative approach to understand the meaning of activity in people with this disabling condition. Method: This study applied a social constructivist grounded theory methodology. Semi-structured interviews took place with 14 participants attending a Specialist CFS/ME Service in England. Findings: The emergent themes described a premorbid state of constant action with difficulty stopping an activity once it had commenced. When this pattern was interrupted by illness, participants attempted to maintain their previous level of occupational engagement. Negative associations and emotions were described in response to the concept of doing nothing or limited activity. A recurring cycle was reported of increasing activity levels when symptoms improved, followed by post exertional symptoms. Conclusions: Consequently, participants' beliefs about concepts of both activity and inactivity need to be considered within the application of rehabilitation programmes for CFS/ME that aim to modify activity related behaviours.Implications for RehabilitationChronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME) is commonly treated in the UK using activity modification.In this small qualitative study, patients expressed negative feelings and beliefs towards the concept of doing nothing and therefore sought to push their activity levels when this was available, leading to recurring cycles of symptoms and activity.Rehabilitation programmes need to consider how people with CFS/ME engaged with activity and inactivity before the condition and how this may impact upon engagement with activity-based rehabilitation programmes.
机译:目的:慢性疲劳综合症,也称为肌性脑脊髓炎(CFS / ME),对日常功能有重大影响。大多数推荐的治疗方法旨在基于避免活动的假设来改变活动模式。但是,由于对CFS / ME患者的活动和职业信仰的经验研究有限,因此本研究采用定性方法来了解这种残疾患者的活动意义。方法:本研究采用了社会建构主义扎根的理论方法论。半结构化采访进行了14位参与者,他们参加了英格兰的CFS / ME专家服务。调查结果:新出现的主题描述了一种持续行动的病态状态,一旦活动开始就很难停止。当这种模式被疾病打断时,参与者试图保持他们以前的职业参与水平。消极的联想和情绪是对无所事事或活动受限的概念的回应。据报道,症状改善后会出现活动周期增加的周期性运动,随后出现劳累后症状。结论:因此,在旨在改变与活动有关的行为的CFS / ME康复计划的应用中,应考虑参与者对活动和不活动概念的看法。康复的意义慢性疲劳综合征/肌病性脑脊髓炎(CFS / ME)是在这项小规模的定性研究中,患者对无所事事的概念表达了消极的感觉和信念,因此寻求在活动水平允许时提高其活动水平,从而导致症状和活动的反复发作。计划需要考虑患有CFS / ME的人在病情发作之前如何进行活动和不活动,以及这如何影响基于活动的康复计划的参与。



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