首页> 外文期刊>Disability and rehabilitation. >Increased mortality among individuals with chronic widespread pain relates to lifestyle factors: a prospective population-based study.

Increased mortality among individuals with chronic widespread pain relates to lifestyle factors: a prospective population-based study.


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PURPOSE: Widespread chronic pain has been related to disability and loss of quality of life, but in a few epidemiological studies also to increased mortality. The aim of this study was to further investigate the relationship between chronic pain, lifestyle factors and all cause mortality. METHODS: A random sample of an adult (age 25-74) Swedish population (n = 1609) responded to a comprehensive questionnaire on pain, other symptoms, lifestyle, work and socioeconomic factors in 1988. Mortality data for this cohort between 1988 and 2002 were analysed. Survival analysis (Kaplan-Meier) and Cox proportional regression were used to study initially reported factors influencing survival. RESULTS: Individuals with widespread chronic pain showed an increased mortality risk (hazard ratio, HR = 1.95, CI: 1.26-3.03) compared to the group without chronic pain. Death due to cardiovascular disease accounted for the increased mortality. Adjustment for lifestyle factors eliminated the excess risk. CONCLUSIONS: Increased mortality among individuals with widespread chronic pain is related to factors like smoking, sleep disturbances and low physical activity. The result emphasises the importance of including lifestyle factors in a cognitive-behavioural rehabilitation process. It remains to be shown whether health promotion activities aimed at lifestyle could change mortality among individuals with chronic pain.
机译:目的:广泛的慢性疼痛与残疾和生活质量下降有关,但在一些流行病学研究中也与死亡率增加有关。这项研究的目的是进一步研究慢性疼痛,生活方式因素与所有原因死亡率之间的关系。方法:1988年对年龄在25-74岁之间的瑞典成年人(n = 1609)进行随机抽样调查,该调查表针对疼痛,其他症状,生活方式,工作和社会经济因素进行了综合调查。该队列的死亡率数据在1988年至2002年之间被分析。生存分析(Kaplan-Meier)和Cox比例回归用于研究最初报道的影响生存的因素。结果:与没有慢性疼痛的组相比,患有广泛的慢性疼痛的人显示出更高的死亡风险(危险比,HR = 1.95,CI:1.26-3.03)。由心血管疾病引起的死亡占死亡率增加的原因。调整生活方式因素消除了过度风险。结论:广泛的慢性疼痛患者的死亡率增加与吸烟,睡眠障碍和体育活动低下等因素有关。结果强调了在认知行为康复过程中纳入生活方式因素的重要性。有针对性的健康促进活动是否可以改变慢性疼痛患者的死亡率还有待观察。



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