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Do it and the Money Will Come


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My wife Karen has decided that she wants to start a school. It's not like it's an unreasonable goal. She was a teacher years ago, when we were first married. She retired to raise and educate our own children, and then, several years ago when our youngest was grown, she went back to work at a public school. She will soon finish her master's degree in education. I'm writing about this in Clay Times because, on the surface, quitting your teaching job (with its security, vacation time, and health and retirement benefits) to start an unfunded school without so much as a classroom building, makes about as much sense as giving up a good job to become a potter. That is to say, economically speaking, it pretty much makes no sense.
机译:我的妻子凯伦(Karen)决定她想开一所学校。这并不是一个不合理的目标。几年前,当我们刚结婚时,她是一名老师。她退休后抚养和教育自己的孩子,然后,几年前,当我们最小的孩子长大后,她回到一所公立学校工作。她将很快完成她的教育学硕士学位。我在《 Clay Times》上写这本书的原因是,从表面上看,辞掉您的教学工作(包括其安全性,休假时间以及健康和退休福利),开办了一家无资金支持的学校,而没有一间教室那么多,这差不多放弃做陶工的好感觉。也就是说,从经济上来讲,这几乎没有任何意义。



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