首页> 外文期刊>Diagnostic imaging. >Iterative reconstruction cuts CT dose without harming image qual Three sites describe their experience with iterative reconstruction in a variety of settings; overall view is that it's a big step forward

Iterative reconstruction cuts CT dose without harming image qual Three sites describe their experience with iterative reconstruction in a variety of settings; overall view is that it's a big step forward


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Demand for CT is dropping in some [ quarters of the imaging community, down by single-, sometimes even double-digit percentages. There may be several reasons, but one stands out: patient fear of radiation, a fear intensified by media accounts of radiation overdose and long-term, albeit theoretical, worries about increased risk of cancer.Could there be a better circumstance to drive demand for dose reduction technology? Vendors now are touting their proprietary forms of these technologies: GE's ASIR (Adaptive Statistical Iterative Reconstruction), Siemens' IRIS (iterative Reconstruction in Image Space), and Philips' iDose. They are being embedded in high-performance systems rolling off the production line and in upgrades available to enhance certain installed systems. Claims of 50%, 60%, or even greater dose reductions are surfacing. But can everyday users achieve them?



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