首页> 外文期刊>Developmental psychology >Stability of parental care across siblings from undisturbed and challenged pregnancies: Intrinsic maternal dispositions of female rhesus monkeys

Stability of parental care across siblings from undisturbed and challenged pregnancies: Intrinsic maternal dispositions of female rhesus monkeys


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The concept of fetal programming is based on the idea that the developmental trajectory of infants is adjusted in response to in utero conditions. In species with extended parental care, these prenatally derived tendencies are further substantiated by behavioral attributes of the mother during the postnatal period. We investigated the stability of maternal behavioral interactions with infant monkeys and carefully varied prenatal conditions across siblings reared by the same mother. We hypothesized that effects of prenatal disturbance and the infant's susceptibility would be differentially affected by maternal attributes. Using hierarchical linear modeling, we analyzed observational data on 121 rhesus macaques reared by a total of 35 multiparous mothers. A portion of the variance in 5 dyadic behaviors was statistically driven by the infant (or was unique to a particular mother-infant pair), but stable maternal propensities and a consistent style of care across siblings also substantially influenced behavioral interactions. Moreover, the magnitude and direction of the prenatal effects were contingent on a female's intrinsic dispositions. When mothers typically exhibited high levels of a corresponding behavior, responsiveness to infants was enhanced as a consequence of prenatal disturbance. The opposite was true for less expressive females. Challenges to the well-being of pregnancy thus served to accentuate maternal predispositions and served to magnify the range of variation in mother-infant behavior across the whole population.
机译:胎儿编程的概念是基于这样的思想,即婴儿的发育轨迹会根据子宫内情况进行调整。在具有长期父母关怀的物种中,这些产前派生的倾向在产后时期进一步被母亲的行为属性所证实。我们调查了母猴与母猴的行为互动的稳定性,并仔细研究了由同一个母亲抚养的兄弟姐妹的产前状况。我们假设产妇的属性会不同地影响产前干扰和婴儿的敏感性。使用分层线性建模,我们分析了由35名多胎母亲所饲养的121只恒河猴的观测数据。 5种二元行为的部分差异在统计学上是由婴儿引起的(或者是特定于一对母婴所独有的),但是稳定的母体倾向和对兄弟姐妹的一致照料方式也极大地影响了行为互动。而且,产前影响的大小和方向取决于女性的内在倾向。当母亲通常表现出较高水平的相应行为时,由于产前干扰,对婴儿的反应能力增强了。对于表现力较低的女性而言,情况恰恰相反。因此,对怀孕幸福感的挑战加剧了母亲的易感性,并扩大了整个人口中母婴行为的变异范围。



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