首页> 外文期刊>Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie. Supplementband. Supplementband. Supplementband >Sea-level stands and Holocene geomorphological evolution of the northern deltaic margin of Amvrakikos Gulf (western Greece)

Sea-level stands and Holocene geomorphological evolution of the northern deltaic margin of Amvrakikos Gulf (western Greece)


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The present contribution aims to identify the various sea-level stands in association with deltaic sedimentation processes, within Amvrakikos Gulf (western Greece); the latter is a semi-enclosed and relatively shallow (<65 m) embayment, separated from the open Ionian Sea by a rather narrow and shallow (< 10 m) passage. Furthermore, this investigation has been based, primarily, upon the identificationof different sedimentary environments within sedimentary cores, radiocarbon dating of characteristic stratigraphic horizons; and, secondarily, upon subaerial and subaqueous geological and geomorphological characteristics as well as archeological evidence. On the basis of the above information, the Holocene evolution of the northern deltaic margin of the Amvrakikos Gulf is attributed to the active interaction between sea level rise, regional tectonism, riverine sediment supply and differential rates of the sedimentation. The Holocene formation and evolution of the northern deltaic margin of the Amvrakikos Gulf is attributed primarily to the deltaic progradation of the River Arachthos, whilst the action of River Louros has been restricted only to its northwestern part. Although a regional curve of sea level rise for the Holocene period could not be constructed with accuracy, due to the above-mentioned complexity of the operating processes, it is most likely that in the beginning of the Holocene period (earlier than 10 000 years BP) sea water from the open Ionian Sea had already entered into the Gulf, occupying water depths 35-40 m below present mean sea level. Following, sea level was rising at a rate of 0.5+0.02 cm per year up to ca 2000 years BP. Within the last 2000 years, sea level has fluctuated within a range of 1-2m.
机译:本文件旨在查明Amvrakikos海湾(希腊西部)内与三角洲沉积过程有关的各种海平面位;后者是一个半封闭且相对较浅(<65 m)的浮标,与开放的爱奥尼亚海之间被相当狭窄且较浅(<10 m)的通道隔开。此外,这项研究主要基于对沉积岩心内不同沉积环境的识别,特征性地层的放射性碳测年;以及其次,根据地下和水下的地质和地貌特征以及考古证据。根据上述信息,Amvrakikos海湾北部三角洲边缘的全新世演化归因于海平面上升,区域构造,河流沉积物供应和不同沉积速率之间的积极相互作用。 Amvrakikos海湾北部三角洲边缘全新世的形成和演化主要归因于阿拉奇索斯河的三角洲扩张,而洛罗斯河的活动只限于西北部。尽管由于上述操作过程的复杂性,因此无法准确绘制全新世时期海平面上升的区域曲线,但最有可能在全新世初期(BP早于10000年) )来自爱奥尼亚海的海水已经进入海湾,占据了当前平均海平面以下35-40 m的水深。随后,直到大约2000年BP,海平面以每年0.5 + 0.02 cm的速度上升。在过去的2000年中,海平面在1-2m范围内波动。



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