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Patient planning.


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When someone with diabetes is hospitalized, it's important for you, the caregiver, to have a game plan. Experts share their tips for how to make hospital stays less stressful-and returns home safer. Be Part of the Health Care Team You are already part of your loved one's diabetes care team. So don't be afraid to assert yourself and get answers from doctors and nurses, says John Schall, CEO of the National Family Caregivers Association. "Make it very clear that you're the caregiver and that you want to be a resource to the team in the hospital," he says. That includes providing information. You're likely to be asked many questions about your loved one's medical history. It's helpful to have that written down, along with a list of his or her allergies, medications, and doses. Don't assume it's already in your loved one's chart-sometimes doctors are moving fast and there are gaps between providers. Working with the nurses, "your greatest ally," Schall says, will help you get to the nitty-gritty of the hospital care. Jackie Bradley, 51, of Portage, Mich., became part of her father-in-law's care team when he was hospitalized for a hip injury last summer. When sorting out his medical information, Bradley, who herself has type 2 diabetes, found that her type 2 father-in-law, Jim Rowan, had some major holes in his diabetes management. He insisted that he had to take medications only twice a day, while the labels clearly indicated he should have been taking several of them three or four times a day, she says. "He also had medications prescribed by four different doctors, yet was following instructions given to him from his previous doctor [whom he saw 10 years ago]." By working with the hospital team, Bradley was able to streamline Rowan's diabetes self-care, too.
机译:当糖尿病患者住院时,照顾者对您来说,制定游戏计划很重要。专家们分享了他们的技巧,以帮助他们减轻住院的压力,并使住院更安全。成为健康护理团队的一员您已经是您所爱的糖尿病护理团队的一员。全国家庭看护者协会(National Family Caregivers Association)首席执行官约翰·舍尔(John Schall)说,因此,不要害怕自言自语并从医生和护士那里得到答案。他说:“非常清楚,你是照料者,并且希望成为医院团队的资源。”这包括提供信息。您可能会被问到许多有关您所爱之人的病史的问题。将其写下来,以及他或她的过敏,药物和剂量清单会很有帮助。不要以为这已经在您所爱的人的图表中了,有时医生们发展很快,而且提供者之间存在差距。肖尔说,与您的护士一起,“您最伟大的盟友”将帮助您获得医院护理的精髓。密西根州Portage的现年51岁的杰基·布拉德利(Jackie Bradley)去年夏天因髋部受伤住院时,成为了她岳父岳母的护理团队的一员。布拉德利本人患有2型糖尿病,在整理他的医疗信息时,发现她的2型岳父吉姆·罗恩(Jim Rowan)在糖尿病管理方面存在一些重大漏洞。她坚持说,他每天只需要服药两次,而标签清楚地表明他应该一天服三到四次。 “他也有四位不同医生开的处方药,但仍遵从前任医生(十年前见过)的指示。”通过与医院团队合作,布拉德利也能够简化罗文的糖尿病自我保健。



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