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Cracking the case. A federal jury finds diabetes discrimination at the FBI.


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When Jeff Kapche, 41, was denied a job at the Federal Bureau of Investigation, he was no stranger to the obstacles that people with diabetes can face. He had already fought a Texas police department for denying him a job because of his diabetes (he won, too). And he'd heard from people all over the country who were inspired by his fight-from an Indianapolis Internal Revenue Service agent to a Forest Service officer in Georgia. Kapche, who has type 1 diabetes, is a detective with the sheriff's office in Fort Bend County, Texas. He had always dreamed of working for the FBI, and in 2002, he finally applied, at the urging of FBI field agents who had come to his department to work on a federal case. He would make a great special agent, they told him. But it wasn't the grueling physical exams, tough aptitude tests, and extensive interviews that kept him from getting the job. It was his diabetes. Some seven years after applying to the FBI, Kapche finally scored a victory, winning a civil suit against the bureau in U.S. District Court.
机译:当41岁的杰夫·卡普切(Jeff Kapche)被拒绝在联邦调查局工作时,他对糖尿病患者可能面临的障碍并不陌生。他已经因得了糖尿病而拒绝了他的工作而与得克萨斯州警察局打过架(他也赢了)。而且,他从全国各地听到了从他的斗争中受到启发的人们的声音-从印第安纳波利斯国税局特工到佐治亚州的森林服务官。患有1型糖尿病的卡普切(Kapche)是德克萨斯州本德县警长办公室的一名侦探。他一直梦想着为联邦调查局工作,在2002年,在联邦调查局外勤人员的敦促下,他终于提出申请,他们来到他的部门处理联邦案件。他们告诉他,他将成为一名出色的特工。但是,艰苦的体检,艰难的能力测验和广泛的面试使他无法获得这份工作。那是他的糖尿病。向联邦调查局提出申请大约七年后,卡普切终于取得了胜利,在美国地方法院针对该局提起了民事诉讼。



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