首页> 外文期刊>Diabetes research and clinical practice >Multifactorial intervention in individuals with type 2 diabetes and microalbuminuria: the Microalbuminuria Education and Medication Optimisation (MEMO) study.

Multifactorial intervention in individuals with type 2 diabetes and microalbuminuria: the Microalbuminuria Education and Medication Optimisation (MEMO) study.


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AIMS: To determine whether tighter cardiovascular risk factor control with structured education in individuals with type 2 diabetes (T2DM) and microalbuminuria benefits cardiovascular risk factors. METHODS: Participants from a multiethnic population, recruited from primary care and specialist clinics were randomised to intensive intervention with structured patient (DESMOND model) education (n=94) or usual care by own health professional (n=95). Primary outcome: change in HbA1c at 18months. Secondary outcomes: changes in blood pressure (BP), cholesterol, albuminuria, proportion reaching risk factor targets, modelled cardiovascular risk scores. RESULTS: Mean (SD) age and diabetes duration of participants were 61.5 (10.5) and 11.5 (9.3) years, respectively. At 18months, intensive intervention showed significant improvements in HbA1c (7.1(1.0) vs. 7.8(1.4)%, p<0.0001), systolic BP (129(16) vs. 139(17) mmHg, p<0.0001), diastolic BP (70(11) vs. 76(12) mmHg, p<0.001), total cholesterol (3.7(0.8) vs. 4.1(0.9) mmol/l, p=0.001). Moderate and severe hypoglycaemia was 11.2 vs. 29.0%; p=0.001 and 0 vs. 6.3%; p=0.07, respectively. More intensive participants achieved >/=3 risk factor targets with greater reductions in cardiovascular risk scores. CONCLUSIONS: Intensive intervention showed greater improvements in metabolic control and cardiovascular risk profile with lower rates of moderate and severe hypoglycaemia. Intensive glycaemic interventions should be underpinned by structured education promoting self-management in T2DM.
机译:目的:确定对2型糖尿病(T2DM)和微量白蛋白尿患者进行结构化教育来加强对心血管疾病危险因素的控制是否有益于心血管疾病危险因素。方法:从初级保健和专科诊所招募的多种族人群的参与者被随机分配到结构性患者(DESMOND模型)教育(n = 94)或由自己的卫生专业人员进行常规护理的强化干预(n = 95)。主要结果:18个月时HbA1c发生变化。次要结果:血压(BP),胆固醇,蛋白尿的变化,达到危险因素目标的比例,建模的心血管疾病风险评分。结果:参与者的平均(SD)年龄和糖尿病病程分别为61.5(10.5)和11.5(9.3)年。在18个月时,强化干预显示HbA1c(7.1(1.0)对7.8(1.4)%,p <0.0001),收缩压(129(16)对139(17)mmHg,p <0.0001),舒张压显着改善(70(11)vs.76(12)mmHg,p <0.001),总胆固醇(3.7(0.8)vs.4.1(0.9)mmol / l,p = 0.001)。中度和重度低血糖发生率分别为11.2%和29.0%; p = 0.001,0和6.3%; p = 0.07。强度更高的参与者达到了≥/ = 3的危险因素目标,心血管风险得分也进一步降低。结论:强化干预显示代谢控制和心血管风险状况有较大改善,中,重度低血糖发生率较低。强化血糖干预措施应以促进T2DM自我管理的结构化教育为基础。



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