首页> 外文期刊>CLAY RESEARCH >Mineralogy of Vertisols of the Pedhi Watershed of Maharashtra

Mineralogy of Vertisols of the Pedhi Watershed of Maharashtra


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In the adjacent east upland of the Purna Valley, namely in the Pedhi Watershed of Maharashtra, Vertisols occur on both microhigh (MH) and microlow (ML) positions. The watershed is characterized by a tropustic moisture regime and a hyperthermic temperature regime. The distance between the MH and ML positions is approximately 6 km and the elevation difference is 0.5 - 5 m. The soils of the MH positions are strongly alkaline (sodic) and those of ML are mildly alkaline (non-sodic). Formation of sodic Vertisols in MH alongside non-sodic Vertisols in ML positions is a unique phenomenon. The present study was undertaken to provide the qualitative and quantitative difference in minerals between soils of the MH and ML positions. The mineralogical composition of the silt fractions of both type of soils is similar. However, it differ in the clay fractions. The soils are mainly dominated by fairly well crystallized smectite in the coarse and fine clay fractions. The soils of MH however contain more amount of pedogenie carbonate and chlorite than soils of the ML positions. This suggests that the humid climate prevailed during last geological period in the study area. Thereafter climatic change towards the arid restricted the further leaching of soils. Due to microtopographic difference distribution of water across the landscape was modified and facilitated greater penetration of rain water in ML position than the MH. Thus the arid environment in MH position helped in the formation of more amount of pedogenic carbonate than ML position that resulted in higher pH, ESP and SAR and also in the more amount of pedogenic chlorite by hydroxy-interlayering of smectites at high pH conditions. The formation of pedogenic carbonate, pedogenic chlorite and presence of fairly well crystallized smectite indicate that the weathering of primary minerals was minimal under arid environment of late Holocene.
机译:在邻近的Purna山谷东高地,即在马哈拉施特拉邦的Pedhi流域,在高(MH)和低(ML)位置都出现了粉刺。该分水岭的特征在于对流性水分状况和高温温度状况。 MH和ML位置之间的距离约为6 km,高程差为0.5-5 m。 MH位置的土壤为强碱性(钠),而ML位置的土壤为弱碱性(非钠)。 MH中的钠盐象素溶胶与ML位置中的非钠盐象素溶胶一起形成是一种独特的现象。进行本研究是为了提供MH和ML位置土壤之间矿物的定性和定量差异。两种土壤的淤泥成分的矿物学组成是相似的。但是,其粘土成分不同。在粗糙和精细粘土级分中,土壤主要由结晶度良好的蒙脱石所主导。然而,MH土壤比ML位置土壤含有更多的碳酸盐和亚氯酸盐。这表明在研究区域的最后一个地质时期,潮湿的气候盛行。此后,向干旱地区的气候变化限制了土壤的进一步淋溶。由于微观地形的差异,整个景观中的水分配得到了修改,与MH相比,ML位置的雨水渗透率更高。因此,在MH位置的干旱环境比ML位置有助于形成更多的成岩碳酸盐,从而导致较高的pH值,ESP和SAR,并且通过在高pH条件下蒙脱石的羟基中间层交联也导致了更多的成岩亚氯酸盐。成岩碳酸盐,成岩亚氯酸盐的形成以及结晶良好的蒙脱石的存在表明,在晚全新世的干旱环境下,主要矿物的风化作用很小。



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