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Inside Creo 2.0: Sub-D modeling, Options Modeler add to rapid improvement of PTC's latest MCAD release

机译:内部Creo 2.0:Sub-D建模,Options Modeler增加了PTC最新MCAD版本的快速改进

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When it was first released last year, Creo 1.0 was something borrowed and something new. PTC took the code of its Pro/Engineer, ProductView, and CoCreate programs, and then gave them a modern interface, modularized them into a dozen programs, established a new universal file format so they could talk to each other, and changed the name to Creo. PTC was enthusiastic about the make-over, but then Creo suffered version-1.0-problems experienced by pretty much all new software, some of which I detailed in my review a year ago. Over time, Creo would get better with fixes and more functions, they promised. And so, here we are at version 2.0, making it time to take a look at what PTCs programmers improved.
机译:去年首次发布时,Creo 1.0既有借鉴意义又有新意。 PTC接收了Pro / Engineer,ProductView和CoCreate程序的代码,然后为它们提供了现代化的界面,将它们模块化为十几个程序,建立了一种新的通用文件格式,使它们可以相互通信,并将名称更改为克里奥PTC对改头换面充满热情,但随后Creo遇到了几乎所有新软件都遇到的1.0版问题,我在一年前的评论中详细介绍了其中的一些问题。他们承诺,随着时间的推移,Creo会在修复和更多功能方面变得更好。因此,这里是2.0版,现在是时候看看PTC程序员的改进之处了。



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