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World Conference surpasses all expectations


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This is the first issue of the ICNDT Journal since the 18th World Conference in Durban, South Africa. We had high hopes that the South African Institute of NDT (SAINT) would run a successful event, and our hopes were surpassed! From the reports and statistics elsewhere in this Journal you can judge that the 18th WCNDT was among the most successful ever. On behalf of ICNDT, its members and the attendees at the conference and exhibition, I wish to thank Manfred Johannes, the World Conference President, and his team of 'SAINTS'! Special mention is due to Professor Arthur Every (who organised a superb technical programme, notable for its keynote lectures and invited speakers) and Butch Davies (who recruited exhibitors and sponsors). A very special mention is due for Giuseppe Nardoni, former Chairman of ICNDT, who facilitated the presence of Nobel Prize winner Sir Harold Kroto.
机译:这是自第18届世界大会在南非德班召开以来,《 ICNTT杂志》的第一期。我们对南非NDT研究所(SAINT)举办的成功充满希望,我们的希望被超越了!从本期刊其他地方的报告和统计数据中,您可以判断出第18届WCNDT是有史以来最成功的比赛之一。在此,我谨代表ICNDT及其成员和与会的与会者向世界会议主席Manfred Johannes及其“ SAINTS”团队表示感谢!特别要感谢Arthur Every教授(他组织了精湛的技术课程,以主题演讲和受邀演讲者而闻名)和Butch Davies(已招募参展商和赞助商)。 ICNDT前主席朱塞佩·纳尔多尼(Giuseppe Nardoni)特别值得一提,他促进了诺贝尔奖获得者哈罗德·克罗托爵士的出席。



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