首页> 外文期刊>Development Genes and Evolution >Construction of a backcross progeny collection of dextral and sinistral individuals of a freshwater gastropod, Lymnaea stagnalis

Construction of a backcross progeny collection of dextral and sinistral individuals of a freshwater gastropod, Lymnaea stagnalis

机译:淡水腹足动物Lymnaea stagnalis的右旋和鼻窦个体回交后代集合的构建

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The handedness of gastropods is genetically determined, but the molecular nature of the gene responsible remains unknown. In order to identify the gene by a forward genetic approach, we carried out backcross breeding between dextral and sinistral inbred strains of a freshwater gastropod, Lymnaea stagnalis, cultivated in the laboratory. We used the dextral animals as donor "fathers" and the sinistral animals as recurrent "monthers". Each of the backcross progeny obtained was typed for the chirality of the next generation offspring oviposited by it, because the genotype for the handedness locus emerges as filial chirality. We constructed a collection of DNA and RNA specimens that included about 200 of the backcross F_2 progeny. Success in breeding was confirmed by the expected inheritance behavior of strain-specific DNA markers in the progeny.
机译:腹足动物的手性是遗传决定的,但是负责的基因的分子性质仍然未知。为了通过正向遗传方法鉴定该基因,我们在实验室培养的淡水腹足纲腹足纲Lymnaea stagnalis的右旋和左旋近交系之间进行了回交育种。我们使用右旋动物作为供体“父亲”,而将鼻窦动物用作反复的“月胎”。由于回旋位点的基因型表现为孝子手性,因此获得的每个回交后代均根据其产卵的下一代后代的手性进行分型。我们构建了一个DNA和RNA标本集合,其中包括大约200个回交F_2后代。通过后代中菌株特异性DNA标记的预期遗传行为证实了育种成功。



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