首页> 外文期刊>Desalination: The International Journal on the Science and Technology of Desalting and Water Purification >Impact of land disposal of reject brine from desalination plants on soil and groundwater

Impact of land disposal of reject brine from desalination plants on soil and groundwater


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The impact of reject brine chemical composition and disposal from inland desalination plants on soil and groundwater in the eastern region of Abu Dhabi Emirate,namely Al Wagan,Al Quaa and Um Al Zumool,was evaluated.Twenty five inland BWRO desalination plants (11 at Al Wagan,12 at Al Quaa,and 2 at Um Al Zumool) have been investigated.The study indicated that average capacity of these plants varied between 26,400 G/d (99.93 m~3/d) to 61,000 G/d (230.91 m~3/d).The recovery rate varied from 60 to 70% and the reject brine accounted for about 30-40% of the total water production.The electrical conductivity of feed water and rejects brine varied from 4.61 to 14.70 and 12.90-30.30 (mS/cm),respectively.The reject brine is disposed directly into surface impoundment (unlined pits) in a permeable soil with low clay content,cation exchange capacity and organic matter content.The groundwater table lies at a depth of 100-150 m.The average distance between feed water intake and the disposal site is approximately 5 km.A survey has been conducted to gather basic information,determine the type of chemicals used,and determine if there is any current and previous monitoring program.The chemical compositions of the feed,product,reject,and pond water have been analyzed for major,minor and trace constituents.Most of the water samples (feed,product,reject and pond water) showed the presence of major,minor and trace constituents.Some of these constituents are above the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) and Abu-Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) Standards for drinking water and effluents discharged into the desert.Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon (TPH) was also analyzed and found to be present,even in product water samples,in amount that exceed the GCC standards for organic chemical constituents in drinking water (0.01 mg/1).
机译:评估了内陆海水淡化厂的废盐水化学成分和处置对阿布扎比酋长国东部地区Al Wagan,Al Quaa和Um Al Zumool的土壤和地下水的影响。二十五个内陆BWRO海水淡化厂(铝厂11处)对Wagan,Al Quaa的12个和Um Al Zumool的2个进行了研究。研究表明,这些植物的平均容量在26,400 G / d(99.93 m〜3 / d)至61,000 G / d(230.91 m〜)之间变化。 3 / d)。回收率从60%到70%不等,废盐水约占总产水量的30-40%。给水和废盐水的电导率从4.61到14.70和12.90-30.30(排泄盐水直接排入低黏土含量,阳离子交换能力和有机质含量的渗透性土壤中的地面蓄水池(无衬坑)中。地下水位位于100-150 m的深度。进水口与处理地点之间的平均距离为ap大约5公里。已进行了一项调查,以收集基本信息,确定所使用的化学品的类型以及确定是否有任何当前和以前的监控程序。已对饲料,产品,废料和池塘水的化学成分进行了分析对于主要,次要和微量成分。大多数水样(饲料,产品,废品和池塘水)显示存在主要,次要和微量成分。其中一些成分位于海湾合作委员会(GCC)和阿布达比国家石油公司(ADNOC)排放到沙漠中的饮用水和污水的标准。还对总石油烃(TPH)进行了分析,发现甚至在产品水样品中也存在,其含量也超过了有机化学成分的GCC标准在饮用水中(0.01 mg / 1)。



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