首页> 外文期刊>Desalination: The International Journal on the Science and Technology of Desalting and Water Purification >Erosion of construction materials in a reverse osmosis plant utilizing seawater in Kuwait

Erosion of construction materials in a reverse osmosis plant utilizing seawater in Kuwait


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The development and production of fresh potable water by reverse osmosis (RO) from the high saline Arabian Gulf sea requires several considerations. Among the number of considerations are minimized energy consumption,improved membrane performance, increased recovery and salt rejection, and improved materials of construction. The state-of-theare for selection of appropriate corrosion-resistant alloys for a specific environment is not sufficiently advanced to make the obvious choices for a specific environment. Many metallic components in RO units still exhibit corrosion attacks in different forms. Localized corrosionin the form of pitting and crevice andmechanically induced erosion-corrosion are some of the problems behind many of the failures in RO equipment. It still remains necessary to conduct laboratory and plant testing of candidate alloys to establish those alloys that may be suitable for use. Results of laboratory tests conducted on a number of candidate construction materials for the various components and piping systems are described. The materials were exposed to an erosion-corrosion regime.
机译:从高盐度的阿拉伯海湾海域通过反渗透(RO)进行淡水的开发和生产需要一些考虑。在考虑的众多因素中,包括最小的能耗,改进的膜性能,提高的回收率和脱盐率以及改进的结构材料。对于特定环境选择合适的耐腐蚀合金的现状还不够先进,无法针对特定环境做出明显的选择。反渗透单元中的许多金属部件仍然表现出不同形式的腐蚀。 RO设备许多故障背后的一些问题是点蚀和缝隙形式的局部腐蚀以及机械诱导的腐蚀腐蚀。仍然有必要对候选合金进行实验室和工厂测试,以建立可能适用的合金。描述了对各种部件和管道系统的多种候选建筑材料进行的实验室测试的结果。这些材料受到腐蚀腐蚀的影响。



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