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Effect of a novel low-energy pulsed-light device for home-use hair removal.


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BACKGROUND: Removal of unwanted hair is the most popular skin treatment worldwide. Over the past decade, various lasers and light sources for epilation have been advocated for use in an office setting, although most people continue to treat unwanted hair with a variety of temporary physical methods (e.g., waxing, shaving) in a home setting, presumably due to cost and convenience factors. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the safety and efficacy of a low-energy pulsed-light device intended for home-use hair removal. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twenty women (skin phototypes I-IV) with dark terminal hair in nonfacial sites (axilla, forearms, inguinal region, legs) self-administered three treatments at 2-week intervals using a handheld intense-pulsed-light device. Matched untreated skin sites were also studied. Hair counts and clinical photographs were obtained pretreatment and at 1, 3, and 6 months after the third treatment. Side effects and patient satisfaction scores were recorded. RESULTS: All patients showed a positive clinical response to treatment, with reduction of unwanted hair. No reduction of hair was noted in untreated matched areas. Hair counts were reduced 37.8% to 53.6% 6 months after the three treatments. Skin region influenced clinical response, with lower legs exhibiting greater hair reduction than arms and inguinal and axillary areas. Mild erythema was experienced in 25% of patients, but no other side effects or complications were encountered. Patient satisfaction scores were high, with all patients stating that they would purchase the device for future home use. CONCLUSIONS Low-energy pulsed light can be applied safely and effectively for at-home hair removal in a variety of nonfacial locations and skin phototypes I-IV.
机译:背景:去除多余的毛发是全球最受欢迎的皮肤治疗方法。在过去的十年中,尽管大多数人继续在家庭环境中使用各种临时的物理方法(例如打蜡,剃毛)来处理多余的头发,但人们仍主张在办公室环境中使用各种激光和脱毛光源。由于成本和便利因素。目的:评估用于家用脱毛的低能耗脉冲光设备的安全性和有效性。材料与方法:二十名女性(皮肤类型为I-IV型)在非面部部位(腋窝,前臂,腹股沟区,腿部)有深色末梢毛发,使用手持式强脉冲光设备每隔2周进行一次自我治疗。还研究了相配的未经治疗的皮肤部位。在治疗前以及第三次治疗后1、3和6个月获得了头发计数和临床照片。记录副作用和患者满意度得分。结果:所有患者对治疗均表现出积极的临床反应,减少了多余的头发。在未处理的匹配区域中未发现头发减少。三种治疗后6个月,头发数减少了37.8%至53.6%。皮肤区域影响临床反应,小腿比手臂以及腹股沟和腋窝部位的脱发更大。 25%的患者出现轻度红斑,但未遇到其他副作用或并发症。患者满意度得分很高,所有患者均表示他们将购买该设备以备将来家庭使用。结论低能量脉冲光可安全有效地应用于各种非面部位置和皮肤I-IV型的家庭脱毛。



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