首页> 外文期刊>Trees: the Journal and Yearbook of the International Tree Foundation >Richard St Barbe Baker - A Personal View by Mary Heron

Richard St Barbe Baker - A Personal View by Mary Heron

机译:理查德·圣·芭比·贝克(Richard St Barbe Baker)-玛丽·赫伦(Mary Heron)的个人观点

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In recognition of the 25th anniversary of the death of Richard St Barbe Baker, we reproduce here a personal recollection of our founder from Mary Heron as told to Edward James: "Uncle Richard" as we were brought up to call him, was a great friend of my father Vernon Barran (1875 -1943). They were at Cambridge together both before and after the First World War, and on the comparatively rare occasions when he was in England during his working life he often stayed with us in Campden Hill Square, North Kensington. There was always great excitement when he was with us, my mother was sometimes inclined to think too much. In returning from West Africa in 1929 he brought us an African grey parrot which became an excellent talker and entertained us for over40 years.
机译:为纪念Richard St Barbe Baker逝世25周年,我们在此复制了我们对玛丽·赫伦(Mary Heron)创始人的个人回忆,告诉爱德华·詹姆斯(Edward James):“长大的理查德叔叔”是我们的好朋友,当我们长大称呼他我的父亲弗农·巴兰(Vernon Barran,1875 -1943)的儿子。第一次世界大战前后,他们一起在剑桥,在他工作期间在英国的罕见场合中,他经常和我们一起住在北肯辛顿的坎普登希尔广场。当他和我们在一起时,总是很激动,我妈妈有时倾向于考虑太多。 1929年从西非返回时,他带给我们一只非洲灰鹦鹉,它成为了一位出色的演说家,使我们享乐40多年。



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