
A Greenwood for the People


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No doubt all kinds of sublimated longings lurked behind the desire that welled up in me in the late seventies to have a wood of my own. I was not far off middle age, had lost my bolt-hole in East Anglia, and was finding the whole business of freelancewriting increasingly lonely and precarious. A bosky retreat rather more ancient than myself would have been anyone's sensible prescription. But on the surface the ambition seemed more mundanely practical. I simply wanted somewhere where I could put allthis woodland theorizing to the test. I could see the scene quite clearly: the parish out coppicing in the winter sun, the wood responding with floods of spring flowers and seedling trees, the 'Private' notices consigned to the bonfire (except those against the local hunt and the conifer barons), the Greenwood restored to the People. The one blemish in this Utopian fantasy was that to disown a wood, so to speak, I would first have to own one, and play the property game.
机译:毫无疑问,各种各样的升华渴望都隐藏在七十年代后期涌入我对拥有自己的木头的渴望的背后。我离中年不远了,在东英吉利(East Anglia)迷失了方向,发现自由职业者的整个业务变得越来越孤独和pre可危。比我自己更古老的bo缩撤退将是任何人明智的选择。但是从表面上看,野心似乎更加平凡。我只是想在某个地方可以对所有林地理论进行测试。我可以很清楚地看到这一景象:教区在冬日的阳光下照看,木头以春天的花朵和幼苗树木的泛滥回应,篝火旁的“私人”告示(反对当地狩猎和针叶树大亨的除外) ,格林伍德恢复了人民。在这种乌托邦式幻想中,一个缺陷是要砍伐一块木头,可以这么说,我首先必须拥有一块木头,然后玩房地产游戏。



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