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Nutrient acquisition from different soil depths by pedunculate oak.


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Eight oak trees (Quercus robur L.) received 32P at a soil depth of 50 cm and 33P at a soil depth of 15 cm at the end of June 2002 through plastic tubes inserted into the mineral soil. The phosphorus uptake from different soil depths was estimated by analysing the concentration of 32P and 33P in the foliage of oak growing in a mixed stand in southern Sweden. 32P and 33P were recovered in the leaveseedles after 21 and 39 days. The recovery of labelled P in oak was higher from 15 cm soil depth than from 50 cm, however, more than 4% of the total amount of labelled P was taken up from 50 cm. This indicates that oak can utilize deep soil layers for nutrient uptake. A study on the uptake of Cs (as an analogue to K) and 15N into the leaves was performed on the same trees and detectable amounts of 15N and Cs were recovered in leaves and buds. This indicates that 15N and Cs can be used to study nutrient uptake of mature trees from the mineral soil..
机译:八棵橡树(Quercus robur L.)在2002年6月底通过插入矿物土壤中的塑料管在土壤深度为50 cm时接受32 P,在土壤深度为15 cm时接受33P。通过分析瑞典南部混合林中橡树叶子中32P和33P的浓度,估算了不同土壤深度的磷吸收量。 21天和39天后,在叶/针中回收到32P和33P。在橡木中,从15 cm的土壤深度中回收的标记P高于从50 cm处回收的P,但是,从50 cm吸收的P总量占总量的4%以上。这表明橡木可以利用深层土壤吸收养分。在同一棵树上进行了对Cs(作为K的类似物)和15N的吸收研究,并从叶和芽中回收了可检测量的15N和Cs。这表明15 N和Cs可用于研究矿物质土壤中成熟树木的养分吸收。



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