首页> 外文期刊>Trees. Structure and Function >Inter-ramet water translocation in natural clones of the rhizomatous shrub, Hedysarum laeve, in a semi-arid area of China

Inter-ramet water translocation in natural clones of the rhizomatous shrub, Hedysarum laeve, in a semi-arid area of China

机译:中国半干旱地区根茎灌木天然植物Hedysarum laeve的株间水分转运

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The patterns of resource translocation among interconnected ramets within a clone may show diversity. In order to understand the pattern of inter-ramet water translocation in natural clones of the rhizomatous shrub Hedysarum laeve (Leguminosae), which frequently dominates inland dunes in semi-arid areas of China, acid fuchsin dye application combined with spectrometric analysis was employed. Dye solutions were fed to the base of plants (near the parent ramet) and to the apical portions (near one of the youngest shoots) and the amount of dye in shoots and rhizomes was measured spectrometrically after 24 h. The total amount of dye translocated from the base in the acropetal direction was approximately four times as high as that of basipetal translocation from cut sections near the apex. Most of the dye was detected in the shoots with very little found in the rhizomes. The average percentage allocation of dye from donor ramet transferred to recipient ramets in the ramet hierarchy closer, due to acropetal and/or basipetal translocation, was significantly greater than those in the ramet hierarchy less close to it. The ramet-hierarchy order had a great influence on dye translocation in either the acropetal or basipetal direction. It is inferred that the donor ramet would transport water towards its recipient ramets in different ramet hierarchies in unequal proportions in this species.



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