首页> 外文期刊>Trees. Structure and Function >Variation in xylem structure and function in roots and stems of scion-rootstock combinations of sweet cherry tree (Prunus avium L.).

Variation in xylem structure and function in roots and stems of scion-rootstock combinations of sweet cherry tree (Prunus avium L.).


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To assess hydraulic architecture and limitations to water transport across scion-rootstock combinations (Prunus avium L. cultivar Van grafted on five differing size-controlling rootstocks: P. avium (vigorous) > CAB 11E > Maxma 14 > Gisela 5 > Edabriz (dwarfing)), we compared xylem anatomy, and calculated relative hydraulic conductivity (RC) and vulnerability index (VI) of roots (small, medium and large diameter) and stems. Water relations, leaf gas exchange and variations in growth were also determined. Roots exhibited larger-diameter xylem conduits (VD), greater RC and VI than stems in all Van-rootstock combinations. Moreover, there was a significantly higher vessel frequency (VF), lower VD, RC and VI in dwarfed trees, especially grafted on Gisela 5 than trees on the invigorating rootstocks, P. avium L., CAB 11E and Maxma 14. Anatomical constraints on water status imposed by the smaller VD (and/or in lower xylem thickness and root system length) of dwarfed trees imply a series of negative feedbacks, like a decrease in RC, stem water potential, leaf gas exchange and growth. On the other hand, Van grafted on CAB 11E and Maxma 14, with wide vessels and high VI, could be more susceptible to embolism, especially during periods of severe water stress, than trees on dwarfing rootstocks, which had small vessels and low VI.
机译:为了评估水力结构和跨接穗-砧木组合的水传输的限制( Prunus avium L. cultivar Van嫁接在五种不同大小控制的砧木上: A。umum (剧烈) > CAB 11E> Maxma 14> Gisela 5> Edabriz(矮人)),我们比较了木质部解剖结构,并计算了根(小,中,大直径)和茎的相对水力传导率(RC)和脆弱性指数(VI)。还确定了水关系,叶片气体交换和生长变化。在所有范砧木组合中,根部都表现出更大直径的木质部导管(VD),更大的RC和VI。此外,矮化树种(特别是嫁接在吉赛拉5上)的矮化树中的血管频率(VF),更低的VD,RC和VI均比活跃砧木 P上的树高。 avium L.,CAB 11E和Maxma 14.矮化树木较小的VD(和/或较低的木质部厚度和根系长度)对水状况的解剖学约束意味着一系列负面反馈,例如减少在RC中,茎水势,叶片气体交换和生长。另一方面,Van嫁接在具有宽血管和高VI的CAB 11E和Maxma 14上,比矮化砧木上的树木更容易发生栓塞,特别是在严重缺水时期。



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