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Flooding effects on starch partitioning during early growth of two oak species


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Pedunculate (Quercus robur L.) and sessile (Q. petraea [Matt.] Liebl.) oaks are the most common oak species in Western Europe. They are known to display different ecological requirements, particularly relative to root hypoxia induced by flooding: In a glasshouse study of seedlings, we quantified the effects of flooding on starch mobilization from cotyledons and starch partitioning. Growth and distribution of lateral roots were also measured. The above-ground growth of Q. robur was less affected by flooding than that of Q. petraea which failed to develop a second flush. Root growth was also severely inhibited, particularly in Q. petraea. In Q. robur, lateral root initiation as well as elongation was restricted to the soil surface layer. Flooding markedly reduced total growth and concentrations of in all components except stems. Starch mobilization from cotyledons was delayed by flooding, especially in Q. robur seedlings. Under flooding, the decrease of cotyledons dry mass and starch content in Q. robur was lower than in Q. petraea, whereas Q. robur displayed larger growth than Q. petraea. The features of carbohydrate management may be crucial in the observed differences in flooding tolerance of these species.
机译:有花梗(Quercus robur L.)和无梗(Q. petraea [Matt。] Liebl。)橡木是西欧最常见的橡木树种。已知它们显示出不同的生态需求,尤其是相对于水淹引起的根系缺氧:在温室的幼苗研究中,我们量化了水淹对子叶淀粉动员和淀粉分配的影响。还测量了侧根的生长和分布。与未进行第二次冲洗的白头翁(Q. petraea)相比,洪水对地上白头翁的生长影响较小。根的生长也受到严重抑制,尤其是在Q. petraea中。在罗伯Q. robur中,侧根的萌生和伸长仅限于土壤表层。洪水明显降低了除茎外所有成分的总生长和浓度。子叶的淀粉动员由于洪水而延迟,特别是在罗伯Q. robur幼苗中。在淹水条件下,罗布罗非鱼的子叶干重和淀粉含量的减少均低于马杜鹃,而罗布罗非鱼的增长幅度大于罗汉果。碳水化合物管理的特征可能对观察到的这些物种的耐洪能力差异至关重要。



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