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The effects of desiccation on seeds of Acer saccharinum and Aesculuspavia: recalcitrance in temperate tree seeds


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This study was undertaken to determine how the results from lipid, moisture, and differential scanning calorimetry analyses conducted on silver maple (Aceraceae: Acer saccharinum L.) and red buckeye (Hippocastanaceae: Aesculus pavia L.) compared with those obtained from previous studies on white and water oaks (Fagaceae: Quercus alba and e. nigra), and the tropical zone species American muskwood (Meliaceae: Guarea guidonia) and carapa (Meliaceae: Carapa guianensis). Seeds were air-dried at room temperature for 9-11 days. At intervals, germination was tested, moisture determined, and lipids extracted. It was found that, like the other recalcitrant seeds, (1) viability was greatly reduced or lost after 11 days of drying, (2) percentage changes in individual fatty acids were not related to seed viability, and (3) results from the differential scanning calorimetry studies revealed a strong relationship between enthalpy/onset data from the embryo and cotyledon tissues and loss of viability. Also, silver maple seeds experienced a 50% reduction in viability by day 5 of drying and retained an axis moisture content over 25% throughout the experiment. However, unlike the other recalcitrant seeds surveyed, both silver maple and red buckeye had a significant reduction in the total amount (mg/g) of cotyledon lipids as the experiment progressed. However, no decrease in the unsaturated/saturated fatty acid ratio was found, so we conclude that in these species lipid peroxidation is not a marker of declining seed viability. Also, red buckeye seeds did not lose 50% viability until after day 8 of the experiment, and axis moisture content fell well below 20% as the seeds dried.
机译:进行这项研究是为了确定与之前的研究相比,如何对银枫树(醋栗科:Acer saccharinum L.)和红叶七叶树(河马科:七叶草)进行脂质,水分和差示扫描量热分析得出的结果。白色和水生橡树(山茱ae科:白栎和黑皮栎),以及热带地区的美洲麝香木(M科:Guarea guidonia)和carapa(M科:Carapa guianensis)。将种子在室温下风干9-11天。每隔一段时间,测试发芽率,确定湿度并提取脂质。发现,与其他顽re种子一样,(1)干燥11天后活力大大降低或丧失;(2)各个脂肪酸的百分比变化与种子活力无关;(3)差异的结果扫描量热法研究揭示了来自胚胎和子叶组织的焓/起始数据与活力丧失之间的密切关系。同样,在干燥的第5天,银枫树种子的生存力降低了50%,并且在整个实验过程中轴心含水量保持在25%以上。但是,与其他被调查的顽calc种子不同,随着实验的进行,银枫树和红七叶树的子叶脂质总量(mg / g)均显着降低。然而,未发现不饱和/饱和脂肪酸比率的降低,因此我们得出结论,在这些物种中,脂质过氧化不是降低种子活力的标志。同样,红色七叶树种子直到实验第8天后才失去50%的活力,并且随着种子的干燥,轴上的水分含量远低于20%。



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