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Pink cows with yellow spots?


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British farmers are colour blind: if it isn't black and white, they won't milk it. Other countries, however, believe in breeding the right cow to do the job - regardless of colour. Livestock Improvement Corporation's (LIC) progress manager. Cross breeding with Jersey may not be everyone's idea of heaven, but we need to focus on profit not tradition. Small percentages add up to significant income, so if the most efficient converters of feed to profit are pink cows with yellow spots from Timbuktu, then that is what we should use. The largest concern facing seasonal calving around the world is fertility. By using NZ Jersey, you get a double shot on increased fertility: 70 percent of all first inseminations in the Kiwi cow result in the birth of a calf; second is the effect of hybrid vigour - the improvement of performance of the crossbred in comparison to the average of the parents. We see crossbreeding in sheep, pigs and poultry and, in time, we will see it widespread in the dairy industry. For theFriesian X Jersey there is a increase of 5 percent due to hybrid vigour across all traits. The Friesian X Jersey in NZ is lasting an extra 347 days of herd life, compared to the normal black and white cow, and an extra 622 days of herd life compared toan animal with 70-80 percent Holstein blood.
机译:英国农民是色盲的:如果不是黑白的,他们就不会挤牛奶。但是,其他国家/地区相信,不管颜色如何,都能繁殖出适合自己的母牛。畜牧改良公司(LIC)的进度经理。泽西岛的杂交育种可能并不是每个人的天堂,但是我们需要关注利润而不是传统。一小部分加起来就可算是一笔可观的收入,因此,如果最有效地将饲料转化为利润的人是粉红色的奶牛,它们身上有来自廷巴克图的黄色斑点,那么我们应该使用它。全球季节性产犊面临的最大问题是生育率。通过使用NZ Jersey,您的生育力得到了双重提高:猕猴桃的所有首次授精中有70%导致小牛的出生;第二是杂种活力的影响-与亲本的平均水平相比,杂种的性能提高。我们看到绵羊,猪和家禽的杂交,并且随着时间的流逝,我们将看到它在乳制品行业得到广泛应用。对于Friesian X Jersey,由于所有性状的杂种优势而增加了5%。与正常的黑白母牛相比,新西兰的Friesian X Jersey的牛群寿命延长了347天,与荷斯坦血液占70-80%的动物相比,牛群的寿命延长了622天。



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