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Living it up and playing it safe


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For Robin Sheremeta safety is not just part of his job, it's a part of his personal mission. As general manager at Teck Coal's Elkview operations, Sheremeta wears many hats, but one that he wears most proudly is his safety hat. Given this, one might expect him to live a decidedly cautious life. Think again. In his spare time, Sheremeta can regularly be found scaling sheer cliffs, careening down dirt bike trails or navigating hair-raising ski slopes. However, despite appearances to the contrary, these pastimes and persuasions are not inconsistent. Sheremeta believes that safety lies not in avoiding risk, but in understanding, assessing and managing it courageously and intelligently.
机译:因为罗宾·谢列梅塔(Robin Sheremeta)的安全不仅仅是他工作的一部分,还是他个人使命的一部分。作为Teck Coal Elkview业务的总经理,Sheremeta戴着很多帽子,但最令他自豪的是他的安全帽。鉴于此,人们可能期望他过着绝对谨慎的生活。再想一想。在业余时间,经常会发现Sheremeta可以攀爬陡峭的悬崖,照料越野自行车道或在可以抬高头发的滑雪道上穿行。但是,尽管出现了相反的说法,但这些消遣和说服并不一致。 Sheremeta认为,安全性不在于规避风险,而在于勇敢,明智地理解,评估和管理风险。



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