首页> 外文期刊>Zoologica Scripta: An International Journal of Evolutionary Zoology >Forest refugia and riverine barriers promote diversification in the West African pygmy shrew (Crocidura obscurior complex, Soricomorpha)

Forest refugia and riverine barriers promote diversification in the West African pygmy shrew (Crocidura obscurior complex, Soricomorpha)

机译:森林避难所和河流屏障促进了西非侏儒sh(Crocidura obscurior complex,Soricomorpha)的多样化。

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The Crocidura obscurior or West African pygmy shrew complex is endemic to West African forests from south-eastern Guinea, eastern Liberia, southern C?te d’Ivoire and southwestern Ghana. We explore the genetic and morphometric diversity of 239 individuals of the C. obscurior complex from 17 localities across its geographical range. Using genetic data from three mitochondrial (16S, cytochrome b and COI) and four nuclear markers (BRCA1, STAT5A, HDAC2 and RIOK3) and skull geometric morphometrics, we show that this complex is composed of two cryptic and sympatric species, C. obscurior and C. eburnea. We then test several hypotheses to infer their evolutionary history. The observed phylogeographical pattern based on cytochrome b and COI sequences fits the forest refuge theory: during arid phases of the Plio-Pleistocene, around 3.5, 2.1, 1 and 0.5 Mya, a small number of populations survived in isolated forest patches and diverged allopatrically. During wetter climatic periods, forests expanded, leading to secondary contacts between previously isolated populations. Our results also suggest the possible contribution of episodes of isolation in subrefuges. Historical variation of the West African hydrographic network could also have contributed to the observed patterns of genetic differentiation. Rivers such as the Volta and Sassandra may act as past and/or current barriers to gene flow. Although these two species have sympatric distributions, their phylogeographical histories are somewhat dissimilar due to small differences in their dispersal abilities and ecological requirements.
机译:Crocidura遮盖物或西非侏儒sh科动物群是几内亚东南部,利比里亚东部,科特迪瓦南部和加纳西南部的西非森林特有的。我们探讨了隐孢子虫复杂性的遗传和形态计量学多样性,其分布在其地理范围内的17个地方。利用来自三个线粒体(16S,细胞色素b和COI)和四个核标记(BRCA1,STAT5A,HDAC2和RIOK3)的遗传数据和颅骨几何形态计量学,我们显示该复合体由两个隐性和同生性物种C. obscurior和C. C. eburnea。然后,我们测试几个假设以推断其进化历史。观察到的基于细胞色素b和COI序列的植物谱模式符合森林避难所理论:在上新世干旱时期,大约3.5、2.1、1和0.5的Mya,少数种群在孤立的森林斑块中存活并异源地散开。在潮湿的气候时期,森林扩展,导致先前孤立的种群之间发生二次接触。我们的结果还表明隔离事件在亚庇护所中的可能贡献。西非水文网络的历史变化也可能有助于观察到的遗传分化模式。诸如伏打河和萨桑德拉河之类的河流可能成为基因流动的过去和/或当前的障碍。尽管这两个物种具有同族分布,但由于它们的扩散能力和生态要求差异很小,因此它们的系统地理历史有些不同。



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