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OPENING the door to NEWFOUNDLAND and LABRADOR/Voisey's Bay breaks ground this summer


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Thirty-five kilometres southwest of Nain lay the Reid Brook, Discovery Hill, Eastern Deeps, and Ovoid deposits. The Ovoid is a bowl-shaped deposit located close to the surface, well suited to recovery by open pit mining methods. It has proven ore reserves of nearly 32 million tonnes with a higher than average nickel concentration at 2.82 per cent. Copper is also present at 1.63 per cent and cobalt at 0.12 per cent, respectively. Pre-strip-ping of the open pit mine is almost complete and mining activities began in May. Rex Gibbons was Minister of Mines and Energy for Newfoundland and Labrador when Inco purchased the Voisey's Bay property. He has maintained an interest in the project from his present position as senior partner at Jaques Whitford. "Voisey's Bay was the biggest claim-staking rush this province has ever seen," Gibbons stated. "2005 is a milestone year for mining in Newfoundland and Labrador." The procurement and construction phases ran so smoothly that VBNC now finds themselves in the uncommon position of being six months ahead of schedule. Construction programs, managed by a joint Inco/VBNC team, got an early start and saw very few obstacles. SNC-Lavalin/BAE-Newplan, who is responsible for the engineering, procurement, and construction management duties, knowledgable selected qualified contractors for services and construction activities. Deliveries arrived early and the hiring and training programs have contributed by providing a pool of well-trained and well-prepared workers. Phil du Toit, managing director of VBNC, is pleased with the early schedule. "The concentrator is now more than 80 per cent complete," he confirmed. "All equipment has been purchased and the final installation will be complete by August."
机译:奈恩(Nain)西南三十五公里处分布着里德布鲁克(Reid Brook),愉景山(Discovery Hill),东部深渊(Eastern Deeps)和卵形沉积物。卵形是靠近地面的碗状沉积物,非常适合通过露天开采方法进行回收。它已探明的矿石储量近3200万吨,镍含量高于平均水平,为2.82%。铜的含量也分别为1.63%和钴的含量为0.12%。露天矿的预剥落工作已接近完成,采矿活动已于5月开始。雷克·吉本斯(Rex Gibbons)是英科(Inco)收购了Voisey's Bay物业时担任纽芬兰和拉布拉多矿业和能源部长。他目前在Jaques Whitford担任高级合伙人,因此对该项目一直保持着兴趣。吉本斯说:“沃伊西湾是该省有史以来最大的索偿高峰。” “ 2005年是纽芬兰和拉布拉多采矿业具有里程碑意义的一年。”采购和施工阶段进行得如此顺利,以至于VBNC现在发现自己比预定时间提前六个月处于不寻常的位置。由Inco / VBNC联合团队管理的施工计划起步较早,几乎没有障碍。负责工程,采购和建筑管理职责的SNC-Lavalin / BAE-Newplan,为服务和建筑活动提供了广博的精选合格承包商。交货时间较早到达,并且通过提供一批训练有素且训练有素的工人,为招聘和培训计划做出了贡献。 VBNC的董事总经理Phil du Toit对早期的计划感到满意。他证实:“选矿厂现已完成80%以上。” “所有设备均已购买,最终安装将于八月完成。”



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