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The effects of group type and young silverbacks on wounding rates in western lowland gorilla (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) groups in North American zoos

机译:北美动物园中西部低地大猩猩(Gorilla gorilla gorilla)群体的群体类型和年轻的银背对受伤率的影响

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In North American zoos, male gorillas are often housed in all-male (bachelor) groups to provide socialization for males not managed in breeding groups. These groups exhibit long-term cohesion and stability and males in bachelor groups are no more aggressive than males in mixed-sex groups. Previous studies have shown that aggression in male gorillas is more directly related to age rather than group type, with young silverbacks (YSB; males 14-20 years of age) having higher rates of aggressive behavior than males of other age classes. Despite this, anecdotal reports have persisted that bachelor groups have higher wounding rates than mixed-sex groups. To assess wounding in zoo-housed gorillas, all instances of wounding across 28 zoos (180 gorillas, 45 social groups) were recorded over a 26 months period via a standardized data sheet. Similar to previous reports, we found age to be an important determinant in wounding. Bachelor groups that contained YSB's had significantly more wounds than bachelor groups without YSB's (U=14.0, z=-2.193, P=0.029). There was no difference in wounding rates between mixed-sex and bachelor groups without YSB's (U=69.5, z=-0.411, P=0.689). These data further demonstrate the importance of behavioral management of YSB's in zoos and the viability of bachelor groups as a long-term housing solution for male gorillas. Zoo Biol. 34:296-304, 2015. (c) 2015 Wiley Periodicals Inc.
机译:在北美的动物园中,雄性大猩猩通常被安置在全雄性(单身汉)群体中,以便为未在繁殖群体中管理的雄性提供社会化机会。这些群体表现出长期的凝聚力和稳定性,单身汉群体中的男性比混合性群体中的男性更具攻击性。先前的研究表明,雄性大猩猩的攻击行为与年龄而不是群体类型更直接相关,年轻的银背猩猩(YSB; 14-20岁的男性)的攻击行为比其他年龄段的男性更高。尽管如此,有传闻称,单身汉群体的受伤率要高于混合性别群体。为了评估在动物园饲养的大猩猩中的受伤情况,通过标准化数据表在26个月内记录了28个动物园(180个大猩猩,45个社会群体)的所有受伤情况。与以前的报道相似,我们发现年龄是决定伤势的重要因素。包含YSB的单身汉组比没有YSB的单身汉组伤口多得多(U = 14.0,z = -2.193,P = 0.029)。没有YSB的混血和单身汉组之间的受伤率没有差异(U = 69.5,z = -0.411,P = 0.689)。这些数据进一步证明了YSB在动物园中进行行为管理的重要性以及单身汉群体作为雄性大猩猩长期住房解决方案的可行性。动物园生物学。 2015年34:296-304。(c)2015 Wiley Periodicals Inc.



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